Setting a Default View

A Service Administrator or Power User can set a published, saved, view as the default view.

The first time a user opens a view, the default view is displayed. The system then remembers the view settings that were used. So, when you open a view subsequently, it is displayed with the settings that were used most recently.

To set a default view:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, then Task Manager.
  2. Click the Views tab to display the Views page.
  3. Select the view that you want to set as default and then click the Set Default icon.

    Or, click the Actions menu for the view that you want to set as default and select Set Default.


You can use the Set Default action for a published list view. The Administrator or Power User sets the view as the default so that the saved list view will not only be available to all users of that view type, but it will also be selected by default when a user opens that view type.