Update a Connection

Use this REST API to update a specific connection that is saved in an application.

REST Resource

PUT /arm/rest/fcmapi/{api_version}/{module}/connections/{id}

Required Roles

Service Administrator


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 17-56 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with (must be v1) Path Yes None
module The name of the module for which to update a connection. For Account Reconciliation, set this parameter to RC. Path Yes None
id The identifier of the connection that must be updated Path Yes None
url The URL of the connection, such as https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>.oraclecloud.com Payload Yes None
username A username with Service Administrator predefined role Payload Yes None

The encrypted password for the user

For security reasons, only an encrypted password is allowed. Use the EPM Automate encrypt command to generate the encrypted password. See encrypt .

Payload Yes None
type The type of connection. Valid values include the following:
  • ENTERPRISE_JOURNALS - for Enterprise Journals connections

  • OBJECT_STORAGE - for Object Storage connections

Payload Yes None

Example URL


Example of Request Body

    "url": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>.oraclecloud.com",
    "username": "<NEW_USERNAME>",
    "password": "<NEW_PASSWORD>"


Supported Media Type: application/json

Table 17-57 Parameters

Parameters Description
details In case of errors, details are published with the error string.

Example of Response Body

Example 1:

  "details": "Connection updated successfully."

Example 2:

  "details": "Invalid parameters. Test Connection is failed"