Export Essbase Data (v2)

The Export Oracle Essbase (v2) REST API exports level 0 or all data for the specified cube. Export data files are written to the Outbox directory as a zip file. You can download it using the EPM Automate downloadFile command or the Download REST API. Running an export places the cube into read-only mode and prevents any write activity during the period of the execution of the export.

This API is version v2.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

POST /interop/rest/v2/essbase/export


Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See Implementation Best Practices for EPM Cloud REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.


Supported Media Types: application/json

The following table summarizes the request parameters.

Table 9-90 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
cubeName Name of the BSO or ASO cube Payload Yes None
fileName Name of a zip file in which the Essbase data will be exported. This file will be available in the outbox from where it can be downloaded. Payload Yes None

The value is 0 or ALL, Level 0 and ALL are valid for BSO cubes. Only level 0 is valid for ASO cubes.

Payload Yes level=0

Example URL and Payload

https://<BASE URL>V/interop/rest/v2/ essbase/export
    "cubeName": "Plan1",
    "fileName": "Plan1Export.zip",
    "parameters": {
        "level": "0"


Supported Media Types: application/json

Table 9-91 Parameters

Attribute Description
details In case of errors, details are published with the error string
status See Status Codes
links Detailed information about the link
href Links to API call
action The HTTP call type
rel Possible values. Can be self and/or Job Status. If set to Job Status, you can use the href to get the status of the re-export operation
data Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request

Examples of Response Body

The following are examples of the response body in JSON format.

Example 1: Export is in Progress

    "details": "Essbase Database Export",
    "status": -1,
    "items": null,
    "links": [
            "href": "https://<BASE URL>/interop/rest/v2/essbase/export",
            "action": "POST",
            "rel": "self",
            "data": null
            "href": "https://<BASE URL>/interop/rest/v2/status/jobs/19974850954170405",
            "action": "GET",
            "rel": "Job Status",
            "data": null

Example 2: Export Completes Successfully

    "details": null,
    "status": 0,
    "items": null,
    "links": [
            "href": "https://<BASE URL>/interop/rest/v2/status/jobs/19974850954170405",
            "action": "GET",
            "rel": "self",
            "data": null

Sample cURL command

curl -X POST -s -u '<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>' -o response.txt -D respHeader.txt -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d 
'{"cubeName": "Plan1","fileName": "Plan1Export.zip","parameters":{"level": "0" }}' 'https://<BASE URL>/interop/rest/v2/essbase/export'