Retrieve Journal Details for Financial Consolidation and Close

Returns the journal details for the given scenario, year, period, consolidation, and the journal name.

This API works only for Financial Consolidation and Close.

REST Resource

GET       /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/journals/{journal label}?q={"scenario":"Actual","year":"FY16","period":"Jan","consolidation":"Entity Input"}&"lineItems"="true"

Required Roles

Service Administrator


Supported Media Types: application/json

The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 18-9 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
application The name of the application Path Yes None
journal label The label of the journal for which to retrieve journal details Path Yes None
q Filters to retrieve the journal, for example:
q={"scenario":"Actual","year":"FY16","period":"Jan","consolidation":"Entity Input"}
Query Yes None
scenario Scenario for the journal, for example: "scenario":"Actual" Query Yes None
year Year for the journal, for example: "Year":"FY16 Query Yes None
period Period for the journal, for example: "period":"Jan" Query Yes None
consolidation Consolidation for the journal, for example: "consolidation": "Entity Input" Query No Entity Input
lineItems Line items for the journal. Valid values are true or false. Query No True



The following table summarizes the response parameters.

Table 18-10 Parameters

Name Description
totalResults Total number of journals matching the filter criteria
hasMore True/False, if there are more pages of records
count Number of journals in this page
limit Current page size
offset Current page number

List of journals, followed by attributes of journals, such as below:

         "scenario": "Actual",
         "currency": "Entity Currency",
         "createdOn": "2018-07-30 06:22:47.516",
         "modifiedBy": "epm_default_cloud_admin",
         "journalType": "Regular",
         "createdBy": "epm_default_cloud_admin",
         "balanceType": "Balanced",
         "postedBy": null,
         "year": "FY17",
         "description": "JournalDesc1",
         "group": "grp1",
         "status": "Working",
         "label": "J4",
         "period": "Jan"]

Supported Media Types: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body.

"scenario": "Actual",
"year": "FY18",
"period": "Feb",
"label": "JETest11",
"journalType": "Regular",
"balanceType": "Balanced",
"status": "Posted",
"description": "Journal description",
"group": "IMPORT_Group",
"createdBy": "epm_default_cloud_admin",
"modifiedBy": "epm_default_cloud_admin",
"postedBy": "epm_default_cloud_admin",
"createdOn": "2023-12-06 18:48:33.503",
"currency": "Entity Currency",
"consolidation": "FCCS_Entity Input",
"totCredit": 1300,
"totDebit": 1300,
{"amountType": "Debit", "amount": 800, "description": "line description", "entity": "YY_E1",…},
{"amountType": "Credit", "amount": 500, "description": "line description", "entity": "YY_E1",…},
{"amountType": "Debit", "amount": 500, "description": "line description", "entity": "YY_E1",…},
{"amountType": "Credit", "amount": 800, "description": "line description", "entity": "YY_E1",…}