Change History

Review what's new in this document.


Updates mentioned in the latest release of this guide are made available in your environment per your update cadence. Please refer to the Cloud Portal-Service Console to verify the update dates. For more information, see: Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service (OFS) Release Process (Doc ID 2925228.1)

July 2024

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Get list of resources Updates to endpoint Added new attributes: canBeTeamHolder and canParticipateInTeam attributes.
Get resource descendants Updates to endpoint Added new attributes: canBeTeamHolder and canParticipateInTeam attributes.
Get child resources Updates to endpoint Added new attributes: canBeTeamHolder and canParticipateInTeam attributes.
Get a list of assistants New endpoint The Get a list of assistants operation retrieves all the assistants of the specified resource for specified dates.

April 2024

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Get work skills Updates to endpoint Added new attributes: totalResult and links attributes.
Replace a custom map layer Updates to endpoint Renamed shapeHintButtonColumn parameter to shapeHintButton.
Update activity duration statistics Updates to endpoint Updated the operation to override the activity duration either at the company level, bucket level or at the technician level.
Populate a custom map layer Updates to endpoint Updated the Populate Map Layer method to support read and write:
  • Plugin/Form Field shape hint column
  • Plugin/Form Field property (button) on Map Layer
Show booking grid Updates to endpoint Updated the description of activity in the request body of the API.