Use Cases

The following table contains use cases to better understand building requests for your REST APIs.

Task More Information
Receive Events This use case describes how to do the following:
  • Create a subscription
  • Retrieve events after creating a subscription
  • Recover lost page parameter for retrieving events
  • Delete a subscription
Download Daily Extract Files This use case describes the steps to download daily extract files using the dailyExtract resource.
Update the Travel Time of Activities This use case describes how to do the following:
  • Update the travel time of an activity
  • Update the travel time of multiple activities
Configure a Custom Map Layer by Using the Metadata API This use case describes how to upload shapefiles using populateLayers custom action on the mapLayers resource. It also provides information regarding constraints, recommendations, and best practices for this task.
Create a Shapefile This use case describes how to create a shapefile from geometric data provided in a CSV file. It also lists the requirements for geometric data and explains the process to obtain a Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) using the QGIS mapping tool.
Resolve Conflicts When Creating Work Zones This use case describes how to resolve conflicts while creating or updating work zones using the workZones resource.
Create Alternating Work Schedules This use case describes how to create alternating work schedule for a resource.
Enable Restricted Access Control Using Access Tokens with Dynamic Scope This use case describes how to use the 'ofsc_dynamic_scope' parameter on the 'Get access token' function to specify a custom claim for restricting end-customer's access to Oracle Field Service data. End-customers are customers of Oracle Field Service customers.