Properties REST Endpoints

The properties resource is used to view, create, or update a property. It is also used to view and update enumeration values of a property. Properties define user interface fields such as field length, field type, and valid values.
Create or replace a property
Method: put
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties/{label}
Get a property
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties/{label}
Get enumeration values of a property
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties/{label}/enumerationList
Get properties
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties
Update a property
Method: patch
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties/{label}
Update or replace enumeration values of a property
Method: put
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/properties/{label}/enumerationList