Routing Profiles REST Endpoints

Metadata/Routing Profiles
The routing profile is a group of all the required routing plans. A routing profile can be assigned to many buckets, so that the customer need not copy the plans for each bucket, and only the plans that are from the assigned profiles are available for the bucket.
Add a routing plan
Method: put
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles/{profileLabel}/plans/custom-actions/import
Force add a routing plan
Method: put
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles/{profileLabel}/plans/custom-actions/forceImport
Get a routing plan
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles/{profileLabel}/plans/{planLabel}/custom-actions/export
Get routing plans labels
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles/{profileLabel}/plans
Get routing profiles labels
Method: get
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles
Start routing plan
Method: post
Path: /rest/ofscMetadata/v1/routingProfiles/{profileLabel}/plans/{planLabel}/{resourceExternalId}/{date}/custom-actions/start