Get quota



The function allows to read the quota information for set of days on different quota levels - Capacity Areas, Capacity Categories, Time slots or Intervals. The quota values can be retreived from various levels accordingly to the quota type configuration of each particular Capacity Area.


Query Parameters
  • If this parameter is true then the quota values for all requested capacity areas are aggregated and returned as a single structure. If false, then the quota values for each area are returned separately. Note that the result can be aggregated only if all requested Capacity Areas have same quota configuration type (e.g., time-slot based or based on intervals). If aggregation is requested for mixed types in one request, the error will be returned. The default value is false.
  • Collection Format: csv
    The list of labels of the capacity areas. It is also possible to use resource external id(s) of a grouping resource item(s), under which the capacity areas are configured, for such the function will scan and collect all the nested Capacity Areas for processing. The default value is the root item of the resource tree, so that all existing capacity areas will be processed.
  • Collection Format: csv
    The list of labels of the capacity categories. If the parameter is not specified then all categories configured for the areas will be processed.
  • This parameter indicates if the qouta information from the Capacity Category level should be returned. It can be used for areas configured with time-slot based quota and with quota by intervals. The default value is false.
  • Collection Format: csv
    The list of dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format, for which the quota information is retrieved.
  • This parameter indicates if the qouta information from the Intervals level should be returned. It can be used for areas configured with quota by intervals. The default value is false.
  • This parameter indicates if the information about the quota statuses at various levels should be returned. The default value is false.
  • This parameter indicates if the qouta information from the Time Slots level should be returned. It can be used for areas configured with time-slot based quota. The default value is false.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

This section describes the 200 status response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : v2-quota-result
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Array of objects with quota information for each requested date.
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Nested Schema : v2-quota
Type: object
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  • areas
    Array of objects containing the quota information for each requested capacity area or the aggregated result.
  • Title: Date
    Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
    Example: 2016-07-22
Nested Schema : areas
Type: array
Array of objects containing the quota information for each requested capacity area or the aggregated result.
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Nested Schema : v2-quota-area
Type: object
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  • The number of booked activities.
  • categories
  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: 2023-12-15 12:00:00
  • intervals
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 40
    The label of the Capacity Area. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: quota_bucket
  • The total working time of the resources.
  • The total working time of based on plans.
  • The minimal quota value in minutes. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
  • The total travel time and duration of activities that are not part of capacity management.
  • The quota value in minutes. For the quota based on intervals it contains null if the value is not defined.
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • The quota value in percent. For the quota based on intervals it contains null if the value is not defined. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
  • timeSlots
  • The amount of consumed capacity in minutes.
  • The percent of the daily quota that is used by booked activities. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
Nested Schema : categories
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-area-categories
    Array of objects containing the quota information for each Capacity Category. This list is returned for Capacity Areas with quota by intervals configuration if the request parameter categoryLevel is true.
Nested Schema : intervals
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-area-intervals
    Array of objects containing the daily statuses of intervals. At this level an interval may be closed for all Capacity Categories of the area. Quota cannot be specified at this level. This array is returned if the request parameters returnStatuses and intervalLevel are true and cannot be returned in aggregated mode.
Nested Schema : timeSlots
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-area-time-slots
    Array of objects containing the quota information for each time slot. This list is returned for Capacity Areas with time slot based configuration if the request parameter timeSlotLevel is true.
Nested Schema : v2-quota-area-categories
Type: object
Array of objects containing the quota information for each Capacity Category. This list is returned for Capacity Areas with quota by intervals configuration if the request parameter categoryLevel is true.
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  • The number of booked activities.
    Example: 1
  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: 2023-12-01 12:00:00
  • intervals
  • The label of the Capacity Category.
    Example: INSTALL
  • The total working time of the resources for the category.
    Example: 1200
  • The total working time for the category based on plans.
    Example: 1200
  • The minimal quota value in minutes. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: 60
  • The quota value in minutes. It contains null if the value is not defined.
    Example: 400
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • The quota value defined as a percent of the Max Available value of the Capacity Category. It contains null if the value is not defined.
    Example: 10
  • The quota value defined as a percent of the daily quota value of the capacity category. It contains null if the value is not defined.
    Example: 12
  • The percent of the used quota at which the booking of activities stops. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned.
    Example: 30
  • The amount of consumed capacity in minutes.
    Example: 40
  • The quota percentage of the capacity category currently used for booked activities.
    Example: 10
  • workZones
Nested Schema : intervals
Type: array
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Nested Schema : workZones
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-work-zones
    Quota status defined for workzones. Only workzones with closed statuses are returned in this list. This list is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
Nested Schema : v2-quota-category-intervals
Type: object
Array of objects containing the quota information for intervals within the Capacity Category. This list is returned if the request parameter intervalLevel is true.
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  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: 2023-12-01 00:00:01
  • The quota value in minutes. It contains null if the value is not defined.
    Example: 240
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
  • The start time of the time interval in HH:MM format.
    Example: 12:30
  • The end time of the time interval in HH:MM format.
    Example: 16:00
  • The amount of consumed capacity in minutes.
    Example: 60
  • workZones
Nested Schema : workZones
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-work-zones
    Quota status defined for workzones. Only workzones with closed statuses are returned in this list. This list is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
Nested Schema : v2-quota-work-zones
Type: object
Quota status defined for workzones. Only workzones with closed statuses are returned in this list. This list is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
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  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.
    Example: 2023-12-01 23:59:59
  • The label of a work zone
    Example: WZ1
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure.
    Example: false
Nested Schema : v2-quota-area-intervals
Type: object
Array of objects containing the daily statuses of intervals. At this level an interval may be closed for all Capacity Categories of the area. Quota cannot be specified at this level. This array is returned if the request parameters returnStatuses and intervalLevel are true and cannot be returned in aggregated mode.
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  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.
    Example: 2023-12-01 00:00:01
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule.
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level.
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure.
  • The start time of the time interval in HH:MM format.
    Example: 12:30
  • The end time of the time interval in HH:MM format.
    Example: 16:00
Nested Schema : v2-quota-area-time-slots
Type: object
Array of objects containing the quota information for each time slot. This list is returned for Capacity Areas with time slot based configuration if the request parameter timeSlotLevel is true.
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  • The number of booked activities.
    Example: 2
  • categories
  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: 2023-12-15 12:00:00
  • Label of the time slot
    Example: 9AM-12PM
  • The total working time of the resources.
    Example: 480
  • The minimal quota value in minutes. It is returned as zero If it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: 120
  • The total travel time and duration of activities that are not part of capacity management.
    Example: 120
  • The quota value in minutes. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned.
    Example: 320
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • The quota value in percent. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: 20
  • The percent of the used quota at which the booking of activities stops. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned.
    Example: 90
  • The amount of consumed capacity in minutes.
    Example: 60
  • The percent of the time slot quota that is used by booked activities. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: 5
Nested Schema : categories
Type: array
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Nested Schema : v2-quota-time-slot-categories
Type: object
Array of objects containing the quota information for each Capacity Category. This list is returned if the request parameter categoryLevel is true.
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  • The number of booked activities.
    Example: 0
  • Time when quota is to be closed automatically in the time zone of the selected capacity bucket in the 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: 2023-12-01 12:00:00
  • Estimated quota value (as percent) calculated on the basis of the 'weight' coefficient and the configuration of available resources for the day.
    Example: 12
  • The label of the Capacity Category.
    Example: INSTALL
  • The total working time of the resources for the category.
    Example: 720
  • The quota value in minutes. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned.
    Example: 500
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level automatically by schedule. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been closed at this level. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • Indicates if the booking has been manually reopened after closure. This parameter is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true
    Example: false
  • The quota value in percent. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned. This field is not returned for the aggregated result.
    Example: 120
  • The percent of the used quota at which the booking of activities stops. It is returned as zero if it has zero value; if the value is not defined then this field is not returned.
    Example: 75
  • The amount of consumed capacity in minutes.
    Example: 60
  • The quota percentage of the capacity category currently used for booked activities.
    Example: 12.5
  • Weight of the Capacity Category calculated based on historical data
    Example: 1.74
  • workZones
Nested Schema : workZones
Type: array
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  • v2-quota-work-zones
    Quota status defined for workzones. Only workzones with closed statuses are returned in this list. This list is returned if the request parameter returnStatuses is true

Default Response

This section describes the default error response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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