Find nearby activities



This operation retrieves activities near the specified location, that can be performed by the specified resource.

If longitude and latitude are not specified, system may use the following information to identify position of the resource:

  • resource geolocation provided by their devices or API
  • position of currently performed activity (started), recently completed or first pending activity
  • position of configured resource start location

As a result the system returns found pending activities that match the following criteria:

  • The resource's work skills and work zone configuration matches the activity requirements
  • Activity is scheduled for Today or it is non-scheduled
  • Activity is visible for the requesting application (see "Allow access only to certain resources" configuration of the "Application" entity)
  • Activity location is known to system and the activity is located within configured distance ("Nearby Radius": see Business Rules configuration)
  • For non-scheduled, only activities with SLA end-time that is within the configured SLA time range (Nearby SLA)
  • For non-scheduled, only activities with SLA start-time that is not in the future

The found activities are sorted first by their distance and then by the SLA end time, the response will contain first best matches, not more then the 'limit' value (maximum is 100)


This API can be used only when the permission to access Core API for Activity and Resource is granted in the Configuration > Applications > API access section of the required application.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Collection Format: csv
    The comma-separated field names to be returned in the response. The field names include the names used to create an activity, get an activity, and the custom property names. The default values are activityId, resourceId, date, status, latitude, and longitude.
  • Minimum Value: -90
    Maximum Value: 90
    The geographic latitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
  • Minimum Value: 1
    Maximum Value: 100
    The number of items to be returned in the response. The default value is 10. The minimum value that can be specified is 1 and the maximum value that can be specified is 100. If the specified value is greater than 100, then it defaults to 100. Value less then 1 is not allowed.
  • Minimum Value: -180
    Maximum Value: 180
    The geographic longitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

This section describes the 200 status response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : findNearbyActivitiesResponse
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Coordinates
Type: object
Title: Coordinates
The coordinates of a point to which appointments were found.
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  • Title: Latitude
    The geographic latitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
  • Title: Longitude
    The geographic longitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
A collection of nearby activities items.
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  • findNearbyActivitiesItem
    The properties of the activity. If no fields are specified in the 'fields' parameter in the request, just 'activityId', 'resourceId', 'longitude', 'latitude' and 'date' are returned in the response. For non-scheduled activities the 'data' parameter is not be returned. Also, the 'resourceId' parameter is not returned if the property is not defined.
Nested Schema : findNearbyActivitiesItem
Type: object
The properties of the activity. If no fields are specified in the 'fields' parameter in the request, just 'activityId', 'resourceId', 'longitude', 'latitude' and 'date' are returned in the response. For non-scheduled activities the 'data' parameter is not be returned. Also, the 'resourceId' parameter is not returned if the property is not defined.
Match All
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Nested Schema : Activity Properties
Type: object
Title: Activity Properties
The array of activity property objects.
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  • Title: Access Schedule
    The schedule (that is, the set of time intervals or access hours, two intervals per week day) when the asset or the activity location is accessible. Work must start and complete during this interval. It is generally not possible to work beyond the access hours. Maximum field length is 1020.

    Access Schedule Field Format
    This field is a string, which contains an inner json object (encoded as a string). For example, "accessSchedule": "{\"schedule\":[{\"daysOfWeek\":[\"Mon\",\"Tue\"],\"hours\":[[\"07:00\",\"12:00\"]]}]}"

    The inner json object has the following schema:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "schedule": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "daysOfWeek": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" ]
    "hours": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": { "type": "string" }
    "exceptDates": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": { "type": "string" }

  • Title: Activity Flow
    Activity flow label
  • Title: Activity ID
    The unique identifier of the activity.
  • Title: Activity Type
    The label of the activity type. Based on the activity type, predefined company-specific rules are applied while processing an activity. Predefined company-specific rules cover the following:
    • The resources to which the activity is assigned.
    • The activity processing details.
    • The interaction of the activity with different modules of Oracle Field Service.
  • Title: Appointment Number
    This field may be used by integrations to store the identifier of the activity in the origin system. This field has no business significance in Oracle Field Service and can be left empty. Maximum field length is 40.
  • Title: Auto Routed To Date
    The date to which the activity was moved automatically by routing. Rescheduling the activity does not change this value. It is a read-only field.
  • Title: Auto Routed To Resource
    The external ID of resource to which the activity was last assigned by routing. Reassigning the activity does not change this value. It is a read-only field. If the field has no value, it means that the routing assigned the activity to a resource with empty external ID.
  • Title: City
    The city of the customer where the activity is scheduled. Maximum field length is 60. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Coordinate Accuracy
    The coordinate accuracy of the activity. It is a read-only field. The following values are returned:

    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

  • Title: Country Code
    The code of the country where the activity is scheduled.
  • Title: Customer Cell
    The cell phone number of the customer. From version 17.2.1, the phone number is saved with the '+' symbol. For example, if you enter the phone number as +1(234)234-23_42, it is saved as +12342342342. In versions before 17.2.1, the phone number is saved as 12342342342. Maximum field length is 240. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Customer Email
    The email address of the customer. Maximum field length is 320. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Customer Name
    The name of the customer. Maximum field length is 420. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Customer Number
    The account number of the customer. This field is used by integrations as a placeholder for the external identifier of the Account ID in the application. This parameter has no business significance in Oracle Field Service and can be left empty. Maximum field length is 40. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Customer Phone
    The regular (land) phone number of the customer. From version 17.2.1, the phone number is saved in Oracle Field Service with the '+' symbol. For example, if you enter the phone number as +1(234)234-23_42, it is saved in Oracle Field Service as +12342342342. In versions before 17.2.1, the phone number is saved as 12342342342. Maximum field length is 240. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Date
    The date on which the activity is scheduled. This field is not present in the response, if the activity is not scheduled for any particular date.
  • Title: Delivery Window End
    The time when the activity delivery window ends. The time is displayed in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned and is in HH:MM:SS format.
  • Title: Delivery Window Start
    The time when the activity delivery window starts. The time is displayed in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned and is in HH:MM:SS format.
  • Title: Duration
    The estimated duration of the activity in minutes.
  • Title: End Time
    The predicted or the actual end time of the activity. The time is displayed in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned and is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
  • Title: First Manual Operation
    The name of the first manual operation on the activity.
  • Title: First Manual Operation User
    The user who performed the first manual operation on the activity.
  • Title: Language
    The preferred language of the customer. This parameter returns two-character code (e.g. "en") in API responses. To obtain ISO code of the language (e.g. "en-US") read the "languageISO" parameter. In the requests this parameter accepts both formats (e.g. "en" or "en-US"). It is recommended to use ISO format. The language codes listed on: Supported Language Codes.
  • Title: Language ISO
    The preferred language of the customer. This parameter is only present in the responses and will be ignored if it is present in a request. To update language use the parameter "language". The language codes listed on: Supported Language Codes.
  • Title: Latitude
    Minimum Value: -90
    Maximum Value: 90
    The geographic latitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
  • Title: Longitude
    Minimum Value: -180
    Maximum Value: 180
    The geographic longitude coordinate that specifies the location of the activity.
  • Title: Master Activity ID
    The identifier of a segmentable activity. It is available for individual segments which have the record type set to 'multiday_activity_segment'. This field is not set for regular activities.
  • Title: Points
    Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 65535
    The cost of the activity in 'points'. This field is intended for use by the Routing module.
  • Title: Position In Route
    The position of the activity in the route. For not-ordered activities, this field is not present in the response. For ordered activities, a 1-based number is returned.
  • Title: Postal Code
    The postal code of the customer. This field is used for geocoding and must contain a valid address. Maximum field length is 60. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Record Type
    Allowed Values: [ "regular", "reopened", "prework", "multiday_activity", "multiday_activity_segment" ]
    The type of the activity record. The following values are allowed:
    • regular: This is the default record type for most new activities.
    • prework: This type of record is created if a technician has to perform some work before the actual activity starts.
    • reopened: A record of this type is created when an activity is reopened for some reason.
    • multiday_activity: This record type is created when the 'activityType' indicates that it is a segmentable activity.
    • multiday_activity_segment: A number of records of this type are created for segmentable activities, based on their duration and time slot settings.
  • Title: Reminder Time
    The number of minutes before the activity start time when the customer must be notified of the activity.
  • Title: Resource ID
    The identifier of the resource to which this activity is assigned. This field is not returned if the resource ID is empty.

    Note: Do not use empty strings in requests.

  • Title: Resource Time Zone
    The time zone of the resource to which this activity is assigned (for example, Eastern). This is a read-only field and may change when the activity is reassigned to another resource.
  • Title: Resource Time Zone Difference
    The difference between UTC and the resource's local time, displayed in minutes. For example, -180 means that the resource time is 3 hours behind UTC. This field is read-only and may change when the activity is reassigned to another resource.
  • Title: Resource Time Zone IANA Name
    The IANA name of the resource's time zone (for example, America/New_York). This field is read-only and may change when the activity is reassigned to another resource.
  • Title: Service Window End
    The time when the service window ends for the activity. The time is displayed in 'HH:MM:SS' format.

    Service window is returned in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is currently assigned.

  • Title: Service Window Start
    The time when the service window starts for the activity. The time is displayed in 'HH:MM:SS' format.

    Service window is returned in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is currently assigned.

  • Title: Sla Window End
    The time when the service level agreement (SLA) window ends. The time is displayed in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.

    SLA window is returned in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is currently assigned.

  • Title: Sla Window Start
    The time when the service level agreement (SLA) window starts. The time is displayed in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format.

    SLA window is returned in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is currently assigned.

  • Title: Start Time
    The estimated time of arrival for the activities in 'pending' status and the actual start time for the activities in 'started' and 'completed' status. The time is displayed in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned.
  • Title: State Province
    The state or province of the customer. This field is used for geocoding and must contain a valid address. Maximum field length is 60. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Status
    Allowed Values: [ "cancelled", "completed", "suspended", "started", "enroute", "pending", "notdone" ]
    The status of the activity. As a technician works through the activity, the status changes. The actions that are available for an activity are based on this status.

    A newly created activity has the status as 'pending', but it can then be changed to 'cancelled' or 'started'. The status of an activity can be changed to 'complete', 'notdone', or 'suspended' only if it has the status as 'started'.

  • Title: Street Address
    The street address of the customer. This field is used for geocoding and must contain a valid address. Maximum field length is 240. If a longer value is sent it will be truncated.
  • Title: Team Resource ID
    The identifier of the team resource for a teamwork activity.
  • Title: Time Delivered End
    The end time of the technician's arrival interval as communicated to the customer. The value is used by routing optimization engine to reduce changes to arrival time, so it is important to keep the value actual. This time is displayed in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned.
  • Title: Time Delivered Start
    The start time of the technician's arrival interval as communicated to the customer. The value is used by routing optimization engine to reduce changes to arrival time, so it is important to keep the value actual. This time is displayed in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned.
  • Title: Time Of Assignment
    The time when the activity is assigned to the technician. This time is displayed in the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned.
  • Title: Time Of Booking
    The time when the customer booked the activity. The time is displayed in the time zone of the customer.
  • Title: Time Slot
    The time slot during which the activity is completed. The time slot also indicates the service window for the activity.
  • Title: Time Zone
    The name of the customer's time zone. For example, Eastern.

    By default, the time zone of the resource to which the activity is assigned is used.

    For a list of supported time zones, see Supported Time Zones.

  • Title: Time Zone IANA name
    The IANA name of the time zone. For more information, visit For example, America/New_York. This field is read-only, but when creating or updating an activity, the field 'timeZone' accepts both IANA names and Oracle Field Service specific names.
  • Title: Travel Estimation Method
    The travel estimation method. It is a read-only field. The following values are returned:

    • Airline Distance
    • Airline Distance and Statistics
    • External Adjustment
    • Manual Adjustment
    • Not Estimated
    • Point to Point
    • Same Location
    • Statistics
    • Street Level Routing
    • Travel key based Airline Distance
    • Using Defaults

  • Title: Travel Time
    Read Only: true

    The estimated time taken to travel to this activity. For activities that were started (status is 'started', 'completed', 'notdone') this parameter indicates reported travelling time, which is calculated based on the actual times.

    Notice that reported travelling time keeps the paid part of the travelling time and may be different from the value shown in UI, depending on the "Travel Allowance" configuration of resource type.

    (Exception : the "activityChanges" object of activity events always brings the full value of the travelling time).

  • Title: Work Zone
    The work zone in which the activity occurs. It is a read-only field that is automatically assigned to an activity, based on the company setting 'work zone key' and the activity properties. For example, if 'work zone key' is the first 4 symbols of the 'city' field, then the activity with city=Belfast will have a work zone assigned which has 'BELF' as one of its keys.

Default Response

This section describes the default error response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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The following example shows how to find nearby activities by submitting a GET request on the REST resource.

cURL command Example

The following shows an example of the cURL command.

curl -X GET "https://<instance_name>,timeOfAssignment" -u "<CLIENT-ID>@<INSTANCE-NAME>:<CLIENT-SECRET>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Response Body Example

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "items": [
            "activityId": 3956450,
            "resourceId": "55007",
            "date": "2019-12-05",
            "longitude": -81.27668,
            "latitude": 28.75769,
            "postalCode": "327736033",
            "timeOfAssignment": "2019-07-10 04:00:00"
            "activityId": 3956432,
            "resourceId": "55001",
            "date": "2019-12-05",
            "longitude": -81.27618,
            "latitude": 28.7562,
            "postalCode": "327736037",
            "timeOfAssignment": "2019-07-10 07:00:00"
            "activityId": 3954917,
            "resourceId": "33042",
            "date": "2019-12-05",
            "longitude": -81.27765,
            "latitude": 28.75801,
            "postalCode": "32773",
            "timeOfAssignment": "2019-07-10 09:00:00"
    "coordinates": {
        "longitude": -81.27618,
        "latitude": 28.7562
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