Create a user



This operation creates a new user record or replaces an existing record. If a user with the specified login does not exist, then a new user record is created. If a user already exists, then the existing user properties are replaced with the properties specified in the request.

Consider the following conditions while creating a new user:

  • The user login has to be unique.
  • The user has to be assigned to one or more resources.
  • The other required fields such as 'name', 'userType', 'language', and 'timeZone' must be set.


Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : userRequest
Type: object
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  • Title: Password
    The password of the user account. It is only used when the login policy is set to 'local password storage'. For SAML, the password is ignored.
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Nested Schema : User
Type: object
Title: User
The details of the user account.
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  • Title: Date Format
    The date format of the user account. Allowed Values: ["dd/mm/yy", "mm/dd/yy","","yyyy/mm/dd"].
  • Title: Language
    The preferred language of the user. This field accepts the language codes listed on: Supported Language Codes.
  • Title: Long Date Format
    The long date format of the user account.
  • Title: Main Resource ID
    The unique identifier of the main resource of the user account. This field is only set for resources that represent field service personnel. It is not set for groups and routing buckets.

    Note that if the specified resource was already assigned as main resource for some other user, that association will be removed, so that the other user will lose the main resource association.

    This field is not returned in the response if it is empty.

  • Title: Name
    Minimum Length: 1
    The full name of the user.
  • Title: Organizational Unit
    The identifier of the organization unit where the user works. The value of this field can be the ID of a resource with the role as 'bucket' or 'organization unit'.
  • Title: Temporary Password
    The temporary password of the user account. If the temporary password is set, then the user is prompted to change password on the next login.
  • Resources
    Title: Resources
    Minimum Number of Items: 1
    Unique Items Required: true
    The list of resources assigned to the user account. These resources along with their children are visible to the user. This list does not incIude the resources whose resourceId values are empty.
  • Title: Self Assignment
    Indicates whether the users can assign activities to themselves.
  • Title: Status
    Allowed Values: [ "active", "inactive" ]
    The status of the user account.
  • Title: Time Format
    The time format of the user account. Allowed Values: [ "12-hour", "24-hour" ].
  • Title: Time Zone
    The name of the user's time zone.

    This field accepts both Oracle Field Service time zone names (for example, Eastern) and IANA standard time zone names (for example, America/New_York). It is recommended that IANA names are specified.

    For a list of supported time zones, see Supported Time Zones.

  • Title: User Type
    Minimum Length: 1
    The type of the user account. The access controls of the user account are defined based on the user type.
  • Title: Week Start
    Allowed Values: [ "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "default" ]
    The day on which the week starts for the user account.
Nested Schema : Resources
Type: array
Title: Resources
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Unique Items Required: true
The list of resources assigned to the user account. These resources along with their children are visible to the user. This list does not incIude the resources whose resourceId values are empty.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

This section describes the 200 status response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : userResponse
Type: object
Show Source
  • Avatar
    Title: Avatar
    The profile picture of the user.
  • Title: Blocked Until Time
    If set, then this account is blocked temporarily (e.g. too many failed login attempts). The value is the time when account becomes unblocked
  • Title: Created Time
    The date and time when the user account is created.
  • Title: Last Login Time
    The date and time when the user logged in to the account.
  • Title: Last Password Change Time
    The date and time when the password was changed.
  • Title: Last Updated Time
    The date and time when the user account was updated. This field is not updated if a custom property or the profile picture of the user is changed. This field is only updated when one of the built-in properties is changed.
  • Title: Login
    The unique identifier of the user account in Oracle Field Service.
  • Title: Login Attempts
    The number of unsuccessful login attempts.
  • Title: Time Zone Diff
    The difference between UTC and the user's local time, displayed in minutes. For example, -180 means that the resource time is 3 hours behind UTC.

    This is a read-only field.

  • Title: Time Zone IANA Name
    The IANA name of the user's time zone (for example, America/New_York). For the list of IANA time zone names, see IANA Time Zones

    This is a read-only field and is only returned in responses.

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Nested Schema : Avatar
Type: object
Title: Avatar
The profile picture of the user.
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Nested Schema : User
Type: object
Title: User
The details of the user account.
Show Source
  • Title: Date Format
    The date format of the user account. Allowed Values: ["dd/mm/yy", "mm/dd/yy","","yyyy/mm/dd"].
  • Title: Language
    The preferred language of the user. This field accepts the language codes listed on: Supported Language Codes.
  • Title: Long Date Format
    The long date format of the user account.
  • Title: Main Resource ID
    The unique identifier of the main resource of the user account. This field is only set for resources that represent field service personnel. It is not set for groups and routing buckets.

    Note that if the specified resource was already assigned as main resource for some other user, that association will be removed, so that the other user will lose the main resource association.

    This field is not returned in the response if it is empty.

  • Title: Name
    Minimum Length: 1
    The full name of the user.
  • Title: Organizational Unit
    The identifier of the organization unit where the user works. The value of this field can be the ID of a resource with the role as 'bucket' or 'organization unit'.
  • Title: Temporary Password
    The temporary password of the user account. If the temporary password is set, then the user is prompted to change password on the next login.
  • Resources
    Title: Resources
    Minimum Number of Items: 1
    Unique Items Required: true
    The list of resources assigned to the user account. These resources along with their children are visible to the user. This list does not incIude the resources whose resourceId values are empty.
  • Title: Self Assignment
    Indicates whether the users can assign activities to themselves.
  • Title: Status
    Allowed Values: [ "active", "inactive" ]
    The status of the user account.
  • Title: Time Format
    The time format of the user account. Allowed Values: [ "12-hour", "24-hour" ].
  • Title: Time Zone
    The name of the user's time zone.

    This field accepts both Oracle Field Service time zone names (for example, Eastern) and IANA standard time zone names (for example, America/New_York). It is recommended that IANA names are specified.

    For a list of supported time zones, see Supported Time Zones.

  • Title: User Type
    Minimum Length: 1
    The type of the user account. The access controls of the user account are defined based on the user type.
  • Title: Week Start
    Allowed Values: [ "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "default" ]
    The day on which the week starts for the user account.
Nested Schema : Resources
Type: array
Title: Resources
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Unique Items Required: true
The list of resources assigned to the user account. These resources along with their children are visible to the user. This list does not incIude the resources whose resourceId values are empty.
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Default Response

This section describes the default error response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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The following example shows how to create a user by submitting a PUT request on the REST resource.

Example of Request Header

The following shows an example of the request header.

PUT /rest/ofscCore/v1/users/login HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic c29hcEB5YW1hdG86MQ==
Host: etadev1f
Accept: */*

Example of Request Body

The following shows an example of the request body.

  "name": "Test Name",
  "mainResourceId": "44042",
  "language": "en",
  "timeZone": "Arizona",
  "userType": "soap",
  "password": "123123123",
  "resources": ["44008", "44035"]

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 08:35:48 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Connection: close

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "name": "Test Name",
  "status": "active",
  "login": "qwwqweqweqwe",
  "language": "en",
  "dateFormat": 12,
  "longDateFormat": 16,
  "timeFormat": 14,
  "timeZoneDiff": -420,
  "timeZone": "Arizona",
  "createdTime": "2015-09-01 08:20:18",
  "lastPasswordChangeTime": "2015-09-01 08:20:18",
  "userType": "soap",
       "links": [
              "rel": "canonical",
              "href": "https://etadev1f/rest/ofscCore/v1/users/qwwqweqweqwe/collaborationGroups"
        "links": [
              "rel": "canonical",
              "href": "https://etadev1f/rest/ofscCore/v1/users/qwwqweqweqwe"
              "rel": "describedby",
              "href": "https://etadev1f/rest/ofscCore/v1/metadata-catalog/users"
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