Get link templates



This operation retrieves a collection of link templates along with all the information about each link template.


Query Parameters
  • The number of link template records to be returned in the response. The minimum value that can be specified is 1 and the maximum value that can be specified is 100. If the specified value is zero, greater than 100, or if no value is specified, then it defaults to 100.
  • The record number from which the retrieval starts. The default value is zero. If no value is specified, then it defaults to zero. The value zero indicates that the retrieval will start from the beginning of the collection.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

This section describes the 200 status response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : LinkTemplates
Type: object
The collection of link templates. It is not returned for an empty collection.
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  • Contains one of the following values: true or false.

    If true, then there are more results that can be retrieved with successive paging requests.

    If false or if the value is not present, then there are no more results or this is the final page. The default value is true.

  • items
  • The limit value specified in the request. If the value is not specified in the request or if the specified value is not accepted, then it defaults to 100.
  • The offset value specified in the request.
  • The total number of link templates records in the collection.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Link Template
Type: object
Title: Link Template
The link template object.
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  • Title: Active
    Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the link template is available for creating new activity links.
  • Title: Constraint for activity assignment
    The parameter specifies the constraint for assignment of the linked activities. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" link type. Available values: [ "none", "sameResource", "differentResources" ]
  • Title: Label
    Unique label of the link template. Use this label when adding a link to the the list of links of the "second" activity. For example, label "start_after" should appear in the list of the activity which is expected to be started after another activity. To create the link for the first activity in the pair, use the "reverseLabel" instead. This parameter is mandatory for any link template type. For the symmetrical template type ("simultaneous") it is used as the only label. Note that you cannot modify the label using API, the parameter will be ignored in update request. Maximum length is 40 characters.
  • Title: Type of the sequence constraint
    The type of the sequence constraint. This attribute can only be set when the link template is created. This attribute it is not allowed to be modified, it will be ignored in update request. Available values: [ "finishToStart", "startToStart", "simultaneous", "related" ]
  • Title: Maximum interval type
    The parameter specifies if the maximum time constraint is not used ("unlimited"), if it can or cannot be adjustable for a particular link. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" and "related" link types. Available values: [ "unlimited", "adjustable", "nonAdjustable" ]
  • Title: Maximum interval default value
    The parameter contains a predefined value of the maximum time constraint. This value is used as default for new activity links. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" and "related" link types. The paramenter is not used if maxInterval is "unlimited". Maximum allowed value is 30000.
  • Title: Minimum interval type
    The parameter specifies if the minimum time constraint can or cannot be adjusted for a particular link. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" and "related" link types. Available values: [ "adjustable", "nonAdjustable" ]
  • Title: Minimum interval default value
    The parameter contains a predefined value of the minimum time constraint. This value is used as default for new activity links. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" and "related" link types. Maximum allowed value is 30000
  • Title: ReverseLabel
    Unique label of the link template. Use this label when adding a link to the the list of links of the "first" activity. For example, reverseLabel "start_before" should appear in the list of the activity which is expected to be started before another activity. The parameter is mandatory for all link template types except "simultaneous". For the "simultaneous" type it is not needed and it will be ignored in create/update requests. Note that you cannot modify the label using API, the parameter will be ignored in update request. Maximum length is 40 characters.
  • Title: Constraint for activity scheduling
    The parameter specifies the constraint for scheduling the linked activities. The parameter is not applicable for the "simultaneous" link type. Available values: [ "none", "sameDay", "differentDays" ]
  • Translations
    Title: Translations
    The list of associated names for the link as they are displayed in the activity links list. The names of a link are configured separately for the "first" activity and for the "second" activity. Note that the English tranlation is mandatory
Nested Schema : Translations
Type: array
Title: Translations
The list of associated names for the link as they are displayed in the activity links list. The names of a link are configured separately for the "first" activity and for the "second" activity. Note that the English tranlation is mandatory
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Nested Schema : TranslationLinkTemplates
Type: object
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  • This field contains ISO code of the language (e.g. 'en-US').
  • Name of the link as it is displayed in the list of the "second" activity. (For the "simultaneous" link types this value is used for displaying in the lists of both activities)
  • Name of the link as it is displayed in the list of the "second" activity. (For the "simultaneous" link types this value is not used)

Default Response

This section describes the default error response for this operation.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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