Daily Extraction Files

Daily Extract files are the result of data processing by the application and contain the details such as activities, inventory, and messages. As part of the Daily Extract, you can receive only the data structures that are described in this document. To get access to other data elements of the application, you must use different interfaces such as, the REST API. The extracted files are intended for reporting and historical analysis of the events in the application.

Extraction Period

Daily Extract files are typically generated once a day and contain all data the processing of which has been finished since the previous extraction. If the company does not support overnight shifts, the extraction period covers time since the previous extraction and till the end of the previous day. If the company supports overnight shifts, the daily extract data for the previous day are available for extraction after the overnight expiration, that is, at 00:00 AM + overnight. If the data is extracted before that time, the resulting files contain data of two days before.

A company can operate in several time zones, however, the Daily Extract functionality extracts data according to the time zone defined for the company in Business Rules. Only these files are extracted in GMT:
  • General Message Details

  • Message Text Details

  • PAS Answer Details

  • Gpstracks Details

Upon the first extraction all available data is collected. The maximum Daily Extract archive file size supported is:
  • For archive with .xml files - 5 GB

  • For archive with property files - 5 GB