Application Instances or Environments

Oracle Field Service instances or environments include one production and two test instances provisioned as a part of your ordered service. The Production instance is dedicated to production use and test instances are dedicated to non-production use. You can expand the service with additional non-production instances subject to additional fees.

Instance Names

Each Oracle Field Service instance can have two names. The first name is provided by Oracle and is used for creating the instance and ensuring that this name is unique among all other Oracle Field Service instances. You cannot change this name and it remains reserved for the instance for its lifetime.

The other name typically indicates that the instance is dedicated to a certain business or a company. This name is called 'alternate name'. When you provision the instance, an alternate name is generated based on your customer account. You can change is name from the Service Console, which is available in the Cloud Portal under Field Service. All instance names are displayed on the About page of your instance and in the Cloud Portal Service Console.

Domains for Your Instances

Domains for a Production Instance

Each production instance might be supplied with several URLs depending on the provided alternate name and domain zones. These domains are always constructed from two parts:
  • Either instance name (mentioned as the 'instance_name' parameter in the example below) or an alternate name
  • Domain zones available for an instance
The standard set of addresses for any instance is:
  • https://{instance_name}
  • https://{alternate_name}
For legacy instances that are created before June 2021, domains are also registered within the zone. For example:
  • https://{instance_name}
  • https://{alternate_name}

You can check the instance provisioning date in the Cloud Portal to find out what domain zones can be used to access your instance.

Domains for Non-Production Test Instances

The rules for provisioning of end points for test environments are almost the same as that of production instances. The only difference here is that for tests the application automatically adds the suffix '.test' after the name. This logic is applied to easily distinguish between production and test environments. The example of an end point for a test instance is https://{instance_name}

Domains Not Recommended

Oracle Field Service supports two centralized entry points:
  • - to access from browser and installed apps
  • - for integration using APIs
Oracle keeps these domains to support backward compatibility for customers who are already using them. However, these addresses aren’t recommended for usage, because they can be served by any of the datacenters in the cloud causing additional redirects to a datacenter where target Oracle Field Service the instance is running. This might lead to:
  • latency for processing of requests
  • increased error rate
  • issues with data residency

Based on this information, the best practice is to use a direct address to access an Oracle Field Service instance. If you are still using a not-recommended domain, you must change to using a direct instance address as soon as possible.