Custom Forms and Plug-Ins

From a business perspective, Forms are paper documents that Mobile Workers fill in, while performing their work. From Oracle Field Service perspective, a Form is a pre-configured page that can be configured using data elements that exist only in the context of a Form.

Features of Forms:
  • Administrators may create as many Forms as needed for the business.

  • Forms are not User Type specific; they are independent pages that are connected to User Types pages through links that are configured on context layouts.

  • After the Form is configured, all users see the same Form and capture the same data regardless of their User Type.

  • The Form Field data elements, which can be added to forms are not associated or “bound” to a specific field or custom property.

  • Forms are available only in Core Application, iOS and Android apps.

  • Contents of a submitted Form cannot be changed, even if a related entity or Form configuration changes later.

  • When a Form is submitted, all Form field elements, except those that have auto-calculated default values or values filled through predefined parameters are blank.

  • Forms don't support links to any types of pages such as standard actions, plug-ins, or other forms.

Forms are represented in three ways in Oracle Field Service:
  • A configuration page where all the required elements are added.

  • A page on a mobile device or a computer where mobile workers and dispatchers fill in data.

  • A submitted Form result that represents every sample of the completed Form. These results are available to users on separate pages and can be retrieved through APIs.