Example of a Travel Allowance Calculation
Travel time to the first activity is included from the Working Time Start
Travel time from the last activity to the Resources End Location is included from the Working Time End
Resource is allotted up to 30 minutes of travel time prior to the Working Time Start
Resource is allotted up to 30 minutes of travel time after the Working Time End
Roger lives 30 minutes from his first and last job. So, for both jobs, 30 minutes of travel is included part of his workday.
Jane lives 45 minutes away from the first and last job. So, for both of her jobs only 15 minutes of the travel should be counted as part of her workday and the additional 30 minutes is beyond her workday.
John lives 20 minutes away from his first and last job. So, no travel is part of his workday and the 20 minutes travel for the last job is done beyond his workday.