Extraction Files and Extraction Data Sets

Data of different entities processed during the extraction period or available by the end of extraction period can be collected and extracted in the files. (In this document, 'during the extraction period' means that if at any time during the extraction period the entity was available in the application. Such entity is extracted. 'By the end of extraction period' means that if an entity was created at some time during the extraction period and was deleted before the end of extraction period. Such entities are not extracted).

This data can be divided into data sets, that is, groups of details related to one and the same entity in the application. In some cases, data related to one entity is divided into several different data sets.
Note: Data from several data sets cannot be extracted in one file but data from one data set can be divided to be extracted in any number of files. For example, the file created for the Activity Fields entity cannot also include data for the Resource Fields entity. At the same time, one file can refer to several database tables according to the exported field’s configuration. For example, an Activity Fields file may include data from the queue table, when configured so.
These data sets are available for export. The actual list of data sets to be exported can be configured according to your company preferences.
  • Activity Fields – Data on all fields and properties assigned to activities that were to be performed or were performed.

  • Activity Link Fields – Details of all links between activities defined in the application.

  • Activity Work Skill Fields – Details of work skills per activity.

  • GPS Details – Details of all GPS data gathered.

  • Inventory Fields – All fields and properties assigned to all inventory items, except inventory in resources' pools, available in the application by the end of the extraction period.

  • Manual Move Fields – Values of the fields related to activities that were manually moved during the extraction period.
  • Message Details – Data on all messages generated during the extraction period divided into two data sets:

    • Message Fields – Details on the messages excluding the actual text of the message.

    • Message Text Fields – The text of each specific message.

  • PAS Answer Fields – Details of the customer's answers to the questions asked in the Post Appointment Survey that are present in the application with the status 'delivered' at the time of extraction.
  • PAS Question Fields – Details of the questions for Post Appointment Surveys at the time of extraction.
  • Property Fields – Details of all fields and custom properties available in the application.

  • Property File Fields – Contents of file properties (such as images) available in the application.

  • Property Lookup Fields – Sets of values that can be used to identify a field or custom property for all fields, and custom properties available in the application.

  • Resource Fields – Details of the properties of all resources available in the application (including inactive resources) and their position in the Resource Tree.
  • Resource Location Fields – Details of locations defined for each resource in the application.

  • Resource Property Fields – Details of all properties defined for each resource in the application.

  • Resource Work Skill Fields – Details of work skills per resource.

  • Route Fields – Data on all fields and properties assigned to routes that were to be processed during the extraction period, including all fields and properties assigned to resources, to which a route is directly assigned.
  • Routing Run Result Fields – Details of the fields for all the routing runs and rollbacks in the application for the extraction period.
  • Service Request Fields – Details of service requests created in the application.

  • Time Slots Fields – Details of time slots defined in the application.

  • Type List Fields – Sets of values used to identify the type of entity by its ID for all types available in the application.

  • User List Fields – Details of all users existing in the application.

  • User-Resource Relation Fields – Details of the resources visible to each user as defined in the application.

Note: Daily Extract processes property labels regardless of whether any special symbols or capital letters are used.