How Self-Assignment Works

The Self-Assignment feature influences the availability of activities and resources for a user who is assigned to a bucket. By default, Self-Assignment is disabled. This setting is mostly used by dispatchers, who allocate activities to resources and usually do not perform any activities.

If a user is assigned to a bucket and Self-Assignment is cleared:
  • All child resources of the bucket are available to the user.
  • All activities in the bucket are available to the user (regardless of their work zones and work skills).
  • The user can move all activities between all available resources (for example, from the bucket to any of the assigned resources, between resources, from a resource back to a bucket).
  • Self-Assignment must be selected, if a mobile worker is granted permission to assign tasks. (For example, the user is a crew chief, assigning activities to members of the crew, or a single mobile worker allowed to choose activities to perform.)
If a user is assigned to a bucket and Self-Assignment is selected:
  • Only the resources explicitly assigned to the user are available to such a user (for example, the bucket, the user themselves and members of the crew). No other child resources of the bucket are available to the user.
  • Only those activities in the bucket that can be performed by at least one of available resources (subject to the work zone and work skill requirements) are available to the user.
  • The user can move only the available activities and only between the available resources.