Processing Rules

This topic describes the rules based on which default values and validation rules are calculated.

Default value rules

For read-only fields and properties:
  • Default value is always calculated for empty fields and properties.

  • Default value is not calculated for not-empty fields and properties.

  • Default value is recalculated every time a dependent field is changed, where dependent fields are fields used in the formula of the rule.

For read-write or mandatory fields and properties:
  • Default value is always calculated for empty fields and properties.

  • Default value is not calculated for not-empty fields and properties.

  • Default value is recalculated every time a dependent field is changed, when the dependent fields are used in the formula of the rule.

  • Default value stops calculated once it's manually changed on the open form.

  • Default value stops calculated once it's submitted with not-empty value.

  • Default value is not calculated for fields and properties with pre-filled values defined on the Properties configuration page.

Validation rules

For read-only fields and properties: Not applicable to read-only fields

For read-write fields and properties:
  • Are used for read-write fields and properties.

  • If a value of certain field or property does not match with the configured validation rule, then the form can be submitted.

For Mandatory fields and properties:
  • Are applicable to mandatory fields and properties.

  • If a value of certain field or property does not match with the configured validation rule, then the form cannot be submitted.

  • For fields and properties where validation rules are not configured, the 'NOT empty' rule is automatically applied (current logic).

  • For fields and properties where validation rules are configured, the system only uses that rules on the submission of the form. That is, if a validation rule states that a mandatory field 'IS empty' then it is submitted without a value. Similarly, if there is no validation rule, the field is mandatory.

Conflict Resolution

If a configured visibility rule contradicts with a configured default value, these rules are applied to resolve the conflict:
  • for read-only fields and properties, the form is submitted and warning a message is displayed

  • for mandatory fields and properties, the form is not submitted and an error message is displayed