Visual Form Editor

The Visual Form Editor is used to configure context layouts. After configuring a context layout, you must select the Allow access to web application check box for each user type to view the context in the application.

The Visual Form Editor includes an accordion type panel with these options to help you add, edit, and search for elements:
  • Available elements: All the element types that you can use in this context are listed here. To add a new element, drag it from this section and drop it to the desired location on the form. You can also use the search option to search for an element within this section. When you want a Button to set a custom enumeration field or property (that is, a combobox), you must ensure that the enumeration value is 'active'. You can set the enumeration property as active on the Modify Property page. For example: Let's say you want to set a value = '10' through a button for the 'Level' property. You must first configure the corresponding value = '10' in the parameters section of the corresponding Visual Form Editor. You must ensure that the enumeration value of '10' is active.

  • Predefined Section: Activity Links and Resource Preferences sections are available in this section. This section is available only on the Edit/View activity Visual Form Editor. Drag this to the required section on the page. You can add only the Resource Preferences and Activity Links elements to this section and nothing else.
  • Data fields: All the data fields that you can use in this context across all element types are listed in this section. Drag an element from this section and drop it to the form, to add the data field with a pre-configured binding to the data source. You can also use the search option to search for a data field within this section.

  • Fields in this layout: All the fields you've used in the layout. Each field has an icon representing the GUI type of the element that is defined when you bind the field to a data source. The features of this section are:
    • Clicking an item scrolls the content to the appropriate item in the layout and highlights it without opening the context menu editor.

    • Clicking an item in the layout focuses the list to the appropriate item, if the panel is active (not collapsed).

    • If a field is present more then once in the content, you see a marker in a format (n / m). For example, (1 / 3) means first occurrence of 3 in total. Clicking the marker takes you to the item on the layout.

    • The order in the list is according to the appearance on the configured form, top to bottom, left to right.

    • The search option lets you search for a field within this section.

You can define Visibility settings for each object of the form. Values with identical visibility settings are grouped and the grouping happens after the settings are saved. Also, using the Translations section, you can translate the text that displays on each object to any of the supported languages. By default, the Visual form editor displays these elements:
  • Header: Displays the selected actions from the Actions object.

  • Footer: Contains the default Dismiss and Submit buttons for a form. You can only define visibility settings for the Submit button.

  • Submit and Dismiss buttons: Indicates the button that is visible for all forms.