Language Expressions

The language containing operators and functions is used for configuring default values, validation rules, and visibility of fields and properties.

The "Default Values", "Validation Rules", and "Visibility" fields of Visual Form Editor only work with an enumeration property's index and not its actual value. You cannot use the value in functions such as if, concat, or in various operators. If feasible, you can try setting the same string for both, the value and index for the properties you must use in the "Default Values", "Validation Rules", and "Visibility" fields.

The language is described in this table:
Argument Description Usage Pattern Use in
Default rules Validation rules Visibility
Variables, entities, and properties
this Value of current element this > 100 No Yes No entity.`label` Value of property of entity. Use for wrapping labels with spaces. activity.aworktype = 1 Yes Yes Yes
White spaces and comments
[space], [tab], [line break] Assuming multiple white spaces as single space. Assuming white space as separator. this + 100 Yes Yes Yes
/* Any comment */ Assuming comment block as single white space. activity.PROP_A1 > 77 /* 77 - is predefined parameter */ Yes Yes Yes
Logical operators (case sensitive, operands will be converted to Boolean)
OR Logical disjunction a OR b Yes Yes Yes
AND Logical conjunction a AND b Yes Yes Yes
Unary operators
NOT Logical not (operand will be converted to Boolean) NOT (a AND b) Yes Yes Yes
Arithmetic inversion (operand will be converted to Number) - activity.PROP_A1

this * (- activity.PROP_A2)

Yes Yes Yes
Equal Comparison Operators (case sensitive for Strings). Operands will be converted to String
= Equal to a = b Yes Yes Yes
<> Not equal a <> b Yes Yes Yes
Comparison Operators (case sensitive for Strings). Lexicographic ordering is used to compare strings.Use toNumber() for arguments if number comparison is needed.
< Less than a < b Yes Yes Yes
> Greater than a > b Yes Yes Yes
<= Less than or equal to a <= b Yes Yes Yes
>= Greater than or equal to a >= b Yes Yes Yes
Arithmetic Operators (all operands will be converted to Number, any arithmetic operation with Infinity/NaN returns Infinity/NaN)
+ Addition a + b Yes Yes Yes
- Subtraction a — b Yes Yes Yes
* Multiplication a * b Yes Yes Yes
/ Division

Division by zero: Division by zero returns infinity, which will be converted to "" (empty string).

a / b Yes Yes Yes
Additional Operators (case sensitive)
string CONTAINS needle Return true if `string` contains `needle` (operands will be converted to String) this CONTAINS "A0"

activity.PROP_A1 CONTAINS concat("-", this)

NOT activity.PROP_A2 CONTAINS activity.PROP_A3

Yes Yes Yes
value IN (value1[, value2, [, valueN]]) maximum 1000 arguments Returns true if `value` is equal to any `value1`...`valueN` (value will be converted to String) this IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

activity.PROP_A1 IN ("value1", "value2")

NOT activity.PROP_A2 IN ("value1")

Yes Yes Yes
value BETWEEN (min, max) Returns true if `value` is equal to `min`, equal to `max` or between them. The same as: value >= min AND value <= max (operands will be converted to Number) 1 BETWEEN (0, 100)

NOT 200 BETWEEN (99, 100)

Yes Yes Yes
Functions (case sensitive)
if(condition, value1, value2) Function which returns value1 argument if condition is true and value2 argument if condition is false (condition will be converted to Boolean) if(activity.PROP_A1 > 0, 1, 0) Yes No No
now(string) Returns current date in required format. View corresponding section for details now("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Yes No No
toNumber(value) Formatting object to required number format toNumber(activity.PROP_A1)


Yes Yes Yes
toString(value) Formatting object to string toString(activity.PROP_A1)


Yes Yes Yes
concat(string1, string2 [... ,stringN]]) maximum 20 arguments Concatenate strings (all operands will be converted to String) concat(this, "#", activity.PROP_A1) Yes Yes Yes
toLowerCase(string) String to lower case (operand will be converted to String) toLowerCase(activity.PROP_A1) Yes Yes Yes
toUpperCase(string) String to upper case (operand will be converted to String) toUpperCase(activity.PROP_A1) Yes Yes Yes
empty(value) Returns true if `value` is undefined or empty string or NaN or Boolean, false in all other cases empty(activity.PROP_A1)

NOT empty(activity.PROP_A2)

Yes Yes Yes