Edit Property Descriptions

You can edit the description for properties for each user type and for each page separately using these categories:
  • Screen Configuration - Application screens

  • Screen Configuration - Collaboration and Identifiers

Each category has a sub category that is associated with the respective page within Screen configuration. For example, the Activity fields sub category for export that belongs to the Screen Configuration – Manage category is associated with the Activity fields for Export page that belongs to the Screen Configuration – Manage category within the Configuration, User Types page.
Note: If you share a page configuration across multiple user types, then the properties of that page configuration are also shared. So, any change to the description of a property of that page configuration, affects all user types.
Let's say you share the page configuration that belongs to the Administrator user type across the Mobile Worker and Field Engineer user types. The properties of the page configuration that belongs to the Administrator user type are also shared.

Assume that the Activity fields for Export page that belongs to the Administrator user type has a property named Work Order and the page is shared across the Mobile Worker and Field Engineer user types. When you edit the glossary entry for the Work Order property, the changes are also applied for the Mobile Worker and Field Engineer user types.

By default, the Glossary page displays all properties for each page within Screen configuration. If there are custom names for any of the user types, then the original and custom names for the property are displayed in a comma-separated format for each language.