Add a condition to a custom filter

Filter conditions help you further narrow down the activity you want to search for. For example, you can have a condition to select activities based on work zones.

  1. Click Configuration, Filters.

    The Filters page is displayed.

  2. Locate the filter you want to add a condition to.
  3. Click Conditions in the Actions column.
  4. Click Add New at the top of the page.

    The Add filter condition dialog box appears.

  5. Complete these fields:
    Field name Action
    Field Choose one or more activity or resource-based criteria on which to base the filter.
    Dynamic Select the box if you want the user to type a value for the field that the condition is for.
    Note: If you create a dynamic filter based on the Activity Work Skills [work_skill] field and use multiple values in the search field, the values are evaluated using the AND condition. This means, only activities with ALL the specified work skill conditions are searched for.
    Conditions Select one or more options to represent how the field selected above relates to the Value entry.
    Value These are the options that can be associated with the Field chosen for this condition. If multiple values are applicable for this condition to be met, then add them to the Selected column. From the list of available values, click to select and then click the >> button. The selected item moves to the Selected column. These rules apply to enumeration fields:
    • Any field and property used in the application can serve as a filter condition.

    • You must populate the value for the field and property other than enumerated fields manually.

    • The condition value supports CSV format, such as 1, 2, 3, 4,, "1,1,1", "2,s", and "(""test"")".

  6. Click Add.
  7. Navigate to the Work Area and verify that the filter is listed in the View drop-down menu.
  8. Test the filter to ensure that it meets your requirements.