Add a Custom Form to the Landing Page

You can display custom Forms on the Mobile Worker Landing page. This is helpful when you have custom forms for mobile workers to capture vehicle or safety inspection details or some type of expense.

  1. Open the Configuration page and click User Types.
  2. Select the user type for which you want to modify the Landing page.
  3. Go to the Screen Configuration page and click Activity List.
  4. Click Click to Add.
  5. On the Add button dialog box, select Custom Forms.
  6. Select a form in the Available list and click OK.
  7. Provide a custom name for the tile.
  8. Click Add new visibility.
  9. Add any conditions required for the visibility of the form and then click Save.
    A link to the custom form appears as a tile on the Landing page. The link contains the name and icon. the custom form is displayed when the user clicks the icon.
  10. To display the History tile on the Landing page, repeat the steps 4 to 9 and add the Request History standard action.