Create a File Property

The File property type supports transferring of files such as documents, photos, or signatures. This means, you can upload MIME types such as .gif, .jpg, .pdf, .mpeg, .zip, html, .wav, or .doc files for activities.

  1. Click Configuration > Properties.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Select File from the Property Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter a name for the property in the Property Name field. Enter the name in English and in all the languages that are active in the application.
    This is the name that's displayed on the context layout structure and any page to which the property is added.
  5. Enter a label for the property in the Property label field.
  6. Enter a hint that you want to display when a user hovers over the field name in the Property hint field. Enter the hint in English and in all the languages that are active in the application.
  7. Select the entity to which the property belongs, in the Entity field.
  8. Select one of these options for the GUI field:
    Option Description
    File element Select this option to upload a file. When uploaded, the file displays as a text link in the user interface. These fields are displayed:
    • File size limit: Select the maximum file size you want to allow for File elements in Oracle Field Service Mobile for Android and iOS and Oracle Field Service Core Application. This field is displayed only for the File element option. The default and the maximum size allowed is 5 MB. This limitation doesn't apply to the APIs.

    • Allowed MIME types delimiter: Select whether you want to display separate allowed MIME types with commas, or you want to display each allowed MIME type on a new line.

    • Allowed MIME Types: Click the required types of files you want to allow for upload.

    Signature element Select this option to capture the resource’s signature.
    Image element Select this option to enable the user’s device to capture and upload the user’s photo, and to display the image as a thumbnail. These fields are displayed:
    • Allow draw on image: Select this check box to let the user draw on the captured image using a stylus.

    • Show on map: Select this option to show the image on the map.

    • Watermark images with coordinates and date time: Select this option to add a watermark to an image. The watermark includes the current date and time, UTC offset, and the latitude and longitude. The date and time are recorded in the user's time zone and displayed in the format configured for the user. When the application is opened in a browser, the watermark is added to the image that's selected from the gallery. When the application is opened from the installed app on a mobile device, the watermark is added when a photo is captured using the device. The watermark isn't added for those images that originate from a plug-in. You must add this property to a standard action page for the application to add the watermark.

    • Maximum picture width (in pixels): Enter the maximum width the captured image can have. The recommended width is 1000 pixels.

    • Maximum picture height (in pixels): Enter the maximum height the captured image can have. The recommended height is 1000 pixels. Maximum resolution limits should be exceed 5000x5000 pixels. The Minimal value is 10 pixels.

  9. Select whether you want to copy the property data when an activity is reopened or has a prework activity in the Clone property data on Reopen or Prework field.
  10. Click Add.
    The new property type is added. Add this property to the context layout of the page for the user profile for which you want to display.