Add a Work Skill Group

You can bundle selected work skills into work skill groups. This creates greater ease and flexibility for assigning skills to resources. You can continue to assign individual work skills and work skill groups, creating a more accurate resource work skill record. You must define work skill groups to be used for capacity categories, if different work skills must consume quota from a single capacity category.

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. In the General section, click Work Skills.
  3. Click Work Skill Groups.
    The Work Skill Groups page appears.
  4. Click Add new.
    The Add Work Skill Group page appears.
  5. Complete these fields:
    Field Description
    Name Enter the work skill group name. If you've set multiple languages for the application, input boxes appear for the different languages.
    Label Enter a unique identifier for this work skill group.
    Active Select the check box to make this work skill group active.
    Can be assigned to a resource Select the check box if you want the work skill group to be assigned to a resource record. If a group is assigned to a resource, then that the resource obtains all the work skills defined for the group.
    Can be added to a capacity category Select the check box if you want the work skill group to be assigned to a capacity category. If a capacity category contains a group of work skills, then an activity is considered a match to the category if it 'requires' at least one of work skills from the group.
  6. Click Add.
    The work skill group is added and is listed on the Work Skill Groups page. The Work Skill Groups page can display only 2000 work skills.
  7. To edit the ratio of work skills in a group, click Edit Work Skills for the required work skill group.
    The Edit Work Skills Ratio page appears. The existing work skills are listed with a default ratio of zero (0).
  8. Add the required ratio for each work skill.
    For example, let's say the installation type of activity requires estimation and electrical work skills. You can create a work skill group named Installation and add the ratio between 1 and 100 for these two skills.
  9. Click Update when done.
  10. To modify a work skill group, click the pencil icon.
    The Edit Work Skill Group: [Work skill group name] page appears, which is similar to the Add Work Skill Group page.