Delete a Map Layer

You can delete just a map layer, or a layer and its associated shape files. You can delete the layer using the metadata API, or through the Business Rules page.

  1. Click Configuration > Business Rules.
  2. Go to the Map layers section.
  3. Click the menu on the right against the layer that you want to delete and click Delete.
    The Delete map layer dialog box appears.
  4. To delete just the layer, click Delete.
    If you go to the Add map layer dialog box and select the Use already uploaded shapefile option, the shape file that was related to the deleted layer is displayed in the list.
  5. To delete the layer and its associated shape files, select Delete associated shapes and then click Delete.
    If you go to the Add map layer dialog box, the Use already uploaded shape file option is not available. This is because, the shape file that was associated with deleted layer was removed from the Geospatial Database.
  6. Click Save on the Business Rules page.
    Note: Deleting a layer and its associated shape file is possible only through the Core Application interface. The metadata API DELETE method removes only the layers from the database.