Add or Edit Work Skills Within a Capacity Category

A Capacity Category can contain one or more work skills and each work skill must meet a minimum required level.

  1. Click Configuration.
  2. In the General section, click Capacity Categories.
    The Capacity Categories page appears.
  3. Click the pencil icon in the Work Skills column for the Capacity Category that you want to add or edit.
    The Edit Work Skill dialog box appears.
  4. Select a work skill and add the minimum level of the skill required in the corresponding text box.
    The default value is 1. When the minimum level of a work skill is defined, an activity matches a Capacity Category, only if a required skill level for the activity skill is equal to or more than the level of the Capacity Category.
    Note: If a capacity category contains a group of work skills, the activity matches the category, if it requires at least one of work skills from the group.

What to do next

Recalculate activities after any edits or updates have been made to apply changes to pending and future activities in the system.