View Form Submission Results

The Forms Submitted page (Formerly 'Forms history') collects all the form submission results. The Forms Submitted page for an activity gives all the form submissions for the activity. The Forms Submitted page for an inventory item provides all the forms submitted for an inventory item. Similarly, Forms Submitted available from the Activity list and User options provides a list of form submission results for a specific resource.

  1. Click Forms Submitted for an activity, an inventory, or a resource.
  2. Click one of these options:
    • For This Activity: This option is displayed when you open an activity that's a regular activity. Select this option to see the forms that are submitted for the current activity.
    • For Related Activities: This option is displayed when you open an activity that's part of a bundle of activities. Select this option to see the list of forms submitted by other users while working on other activities or activity segments from the bundle. This list contains only the submissions for the forms selected in the Associated Forms section while configuing the bundling rule.
  3. Click any record.
    The specific form is displayed with the values that were entered at the time of submission.

    When a user submits a form, the application stores a snapshot of the values that the user has entered. The snapshot data remains unchanged, even if the corresponding entities and fields change later. In addition, except for the auto-calculated default values, or values filled through predefined parameters, the remaining field values are erased. Further, every time a user submits a form, the application creates a formSubmitted type of event. You can retrieve the details of individual submissions by subscribing to this event. See the REST API guide for more information.

    If a user submits a form for the current day activities (regular and non-scheduled) within the overnight work time, then the form is displayed on Forms Submitted according to the activity data retention policy (90 days by default). If the form is submitted for the activities in the past, then it isn't displayed on Forms Submitted. For example, let's say a user submits forms to an activity on Monday and Tuesday. If the current route is Tuesday, then Forms Submitted doesn't show the forms submitted on Monday.