Add a Banner to the Where is My Technician Pages

You can add banners to the Where is My Technician pages to inform your customers about new products, upgrades, benefits, or just to engage them better, all of which can be configured as clickable for further interaction.

  1. Click Configuration > Themes.
  2. Open an existing Where is My Technician theme or click Add WMT theme.
  3. Click Banners > Add Banner.
  4. Complete these fields:
    • Position: Select the position of the banner, which will be applied across all banners.
    • Banner: Browse and select or drag a file that you want to display as the banner. You can select only a .png, .jpeg, .gif, or .svg file and the maximum file size is 150 KB. The recommended banner height is 48px and width is 768px. Based on the size of the mobile device the banner might be trimmed down to 320px. Consider using a scaled-up version for high-DPI (Retina) screens.
    • Banner hint: Enter a description for the image. This is displayed when the user hovers mouse over it or read when the user uses accessibility readers.
    • Screens: Select the Where is My Technician pages on which you want to display the banner. You can display the same banner on multiple pages. If you don’t select any page, the banner isn’t displayed.
    • Web page: Type the URL of the web page to be opened when the user clicks the banner. Leave it empty if you don’t want the banner to be clicked.
  5. To add another banner, click Add Banner.
    You can add a maximum of five banners per Where is My Technician theme.
  6. Use the Preview section at the top of the configuration page to verify the appearance of the banners. Click a page to enlarge and scroll through the configured banners.
    You can also update the image by clicking it.
  7. Click Save.
    The banners are saved. If you add multiple banners to the same page, they rotate dynamically every five seconds. Users accessing the Where is My Technician URL on mobile devices can swipe through the banner. On desktop devices, users can change the banners by clicking the arrow buttons, which become visible when the user hovers over the banner area.