Transfer Field Service Employees from Siebel CRM to Oracle Field Service

The transfer of field service employees from Siebel CRM to Oracle Field Service workflow in Oracle Integration transfers the employees within a service region to Oracle Field Service when the service region is transferred. In Siebel CRM, employees with the 'engine' attribute value of "Oracle Field Service" are treated as field service resources; the integration transfers only those employees to Oracle Field Service.

The employee record, and its address (home or depot), skills, exception hours (leave, meetings, and so on) are also transferred to Oracle Field Service as resource locations, resource skills, and schedules. This screenshot shows the page in Siebel CRM where can transfer employee details:
This screenshot shows the page in Siebel CRM where can transfer employee details.

Transfer of Siebel CRM employee address to resource location

  • The work start and work end location of an Oracle Field Service resource is updated based on the start and end home addresses or depot address.
  • The integration updates the resource start location as the start depot address, if the employee's shift start is configured as a depot or if it's blank. In all other conditions, the start location is the location associated with the start home address.
  • Similarly, the end location is the end depot address, if the employee's end of shift is configured as depot or if it's blank. In all other conditions, the end location is the location associated with the end home address.

Transfer of Siebel CRM employee skill to resource skill

The employee skill is updated as a resource skill in Oracle Field Service as part of the employee skill integration.
Note: The work skill condition is created automatically in Oracle Field Service, as part of the employee sync.You can verify and update this definition from the Configuration > Work Skill > Work Skill Condition page.

Transfer of Siebel CRM employee work schedule to resource schedule

As a prerequisite for this integration, an Oracle Field Service admin user has to create a schedule as an Oracle Field Service calendar configuration with the same name as the Siebel CRM schedule name. As part of the employee data transfer workflow, Siebel CRM shares the schedule name associated with the employee and updates it as a schedule in the Oracle Field Service resource's calendar. If no matching schedule is available in Oracle Field Service that corresponds to the Siebel CRM schedule, a resource is created in Oracle Field Service without a schedule and an error message is updated in Siebel CRM.

Transfer of Siebel CRM employee exception hours

  • This integration treats holidays, working exceptions (for example, meetings and trainings), exceptional cases such as working on a non-working day for example, no work on Sunday from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. in a 7x12 schedule, in Siebel CRM this can be configured as exception to normal work schedule.
  • Exception hours (holidays): If a schedule in Siebel CRM contains any holiday exception, the integration applies this holiday to the Oracle Field Service resource calendar as a non-working day.
  • Working exception hours: If an employee in Siebel CRM contains any working exception hours (for example, meetings or trainings), an internal activity is created during this period, so that the field technician's availability can be updated accordingly.
  • Overtime on a non-working day: If an employee in Siebel CRM contains any overtime exception, the integration applies it as a schedule in the Oracle Field Service resource's calendar for that non-working day.

Service region zip code

After the basic information is updated in the bucket, the integration migrates the zip code from the Siebel CRM service region to Oracle Field Service. While migrating a new service region, the integration checks whether there is already a work zone available with the same name in Oracle Field Service. If the work zone available, then it is updated for the bucket. If this is a new work zone, then the integration creates a work zone in Oracle Field Service. The zip codes are mapped as the work zone key in Oracle Field Service.

Incremental update of service region and employee

  • Apart from the initial migration of the service region, when a business administrator updates a zip code or a holiday exception associated with the service region, that too is updated in Oracle Field Service.
  • Similarly, when a business administrator updates the following information associated with an employee, that is then updated in Oracle Field Service in an incremental manner:
    • Employee basic information
    • Employee location
    • Service region associated with that employee
    • Work skill associated with that employee
    • Working exception and Non-working exception hours associated with that employee