Activity blocking conditions

You can use these blocking conditions with activities.

Activity Status Blocking Condition

Activity Status
Condition name [appt_status]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks activity status
Valid values/format started, completed, suspended, etc.
Case sensitive? No
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN

Customer Number Blocking Condition

Account Number
Condition name [customer_number]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the account number
Valid values/format text

Activity Type Blocking Condition

Activity Type
Condition name [appt_type]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity type
Valid values/format regular, reopened, prework, multiday_activity, multiday_activity_segment
Case sensitive? No
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN

Activity Time of Assignment blocking condition

Activity Time of Assignment
Condition name [atime_of_assignment]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the time the activity is assigned in the time zone of the assigned resource.
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DDHH24:MI:SS
Example 1 Condition: 'Time of assignment' CONTAINS '2012-05-21'Result: Blocks all activities that were assigned during '2012-05-21'
Example 2 Condition: 'Time of assignment' <'2012-05-21'Result: Blocks all activities that were assigned before '2012-05-21'

Activity Time of Booking Blocking Condition

Activity Time of Booking
Condition name [atime_of_booking]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the time the activity is booked in the time zone of the assigned resource.
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DD, HH24:MI:SS
Example 1 Condition: 'Time of booking' CONTAINS '2012-05-21' Result: Blocks all activities that were booked during '2012-05-21'
Example 2 Condition: 'Time of booking' < '2012-05-21'Result: Blocks all activities that were booked before '2012-05-21'

Activity Work Type Blocking Condition

Activity Type
Condition name [aworktype]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity work type
Valid values/format Activity type IDs
Notes This condition can be used with both activity types and their groups.

Address Blocking Condition

Condition name [caddress]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity address
Valid values/format text

Calendar Days from Activity Assignment blocking condition

Calendar Days from Activity Assignment
Condition name [calendar_days_from_activity_assignment]
Condition type Activity
Description Calculated as the number of calendar days from the activity assignment date to the current date of the resource.
Valid values/format integer >= 0
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN, <, >, <=, >=
Example 1 Condition: 'Calendar days from activity assignment' <= 1 Result: Blocks all activities that were assigned yesterday (1) or today (0).
Notes Both dates have the same time zone difference.

Calendar Days from Activity Booking blocking condition

Calendar Days from Activity Booking
Condition name [calendar_days_from_activity_booking]
Condition type Activity
Description Calculated as the number of calendar days from the activity booking date to the current date of the resource the activity is assigned to.
Valid values/format integer >= 0
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN, <, >, <=, >=
Example 1 Condition: 'Calendar days from activity booking' <= 1 Result: Blocks all activities that were booked or created yesterday (1) or today (0).
Notes Both dates have the same time zone difference.

Capacity Categories blocking condition

Capacity Categories
Condition name [activity_capacity_categories]
Condition type Activity
Description Selects activities that belong to the given capacity category.
Valid values/format Capacity category IDs
Suggested functions IN - the activity belongs to all provided categories. NOT IN- the activity belongs to none of the categories provided in the list.
Notes The same rules apply as in Quota Management.

City blocking condition

Condition name [ccity]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the city of the activity location.
Valid values/format text

Coordinate Status blocking condition

Coordinate Status
Condition name [acoord_status]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks whether or not the current activity coordinates were found
Valid values/format found, not_found, invalid

Coordinate X blocking condition

Coordinate X
Condition name [acoord_x]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the longitude of the activity location
Valid values/format A longitude value, such as 37.40562 or -79.42639

Coordinate Y blocking condition

Coordinate Y
Condition name [acoord_y]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the latitude of the activity location
Valid values/format A latitude value, such as 22.831438

Days from Activity Assignment blocking condition

Days from Activity Assignment
Condition name [days_from_activity_assignment]
Condition type Activity
Description The number of full days elapsed between the time the activity was assigned and the current time.
Valid values/format integer >= 0
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN, <, >, <=, >=
Example Condition: 'Days from activity assignment' = 0Result: Blocks all activities assigned within the last 24 hours. If the current time is '2012-09-27 08:28:22', the condition will return the activity that was assigned on '2012-09-26 19:17:00'.

Days from Activity Booking blocking condition

Days from Activity Booking
Condition name [days_from_activity_booking]
Condition type Activity
Description The number of full days elapsed between the time the activity was booked and the current time.
Valid values/format integer >= 0
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN, <, >, <=, >=
Example Condition: 'Days from activity booking' = 0 Result: Blocks all activities booked within the last 24 hours. If the current time is '2012-09-27 08:28:22', the condition will return the activity that was booked on '2012-09-26 19:17:00'.

Days to Activity blocking condition

Days to Activity
Condition name [days_to_appt]
Condition type Activity
Description Returns the number of days from the message creation to the activity.
Valid values/format integer >= 0
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN

Activity Scheduled? blocking condition

Activity Scheduled?
Condition name [is_activity_scheduled]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks if the activity is scheduled
Valid values/format 1 or <empty>
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
Notes This condition cannot be used in the cancel activity scenario. This constraint is related to the two-phase nature of the Cancel non-scheduled activity action.This action consists of two steps: 1. Making the activity scheduled (moving it to the current day). 2. Performing thecancel action. According to this scenario, the launch condition is invoked when the activity is already scheduled. Therefore, the condition is always false.

Message Language blocking condition

Message Language
Condition name [clanguage]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the language of the message to be sent to the customer
Valid values/format Language IDs
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
Notes This condition is true for both segmentable activities and individual segments which can be distinguished by the value of the Type field. For segmentable activities the Type value is multiday_activity, while for segments it is multiday_activity_segments.

Customer Name blocking condition

Condition name [cname]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the customer name
Valid values/format text

Not Ordered Activity blocking condition

Not Ordered Activity
Condition name [all_day_flag]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks if the activity is not ordered
Valid values/format 1 or <empty>
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

Pending Activity Order blocking condition

Pending Activity Order
Condition name [pending_activity_order]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the offset of a pending activity from the start of the route to which this activity belongs
Valid values/format integer >= -1
Suggested functions IN, NOT IN, <, >, <=, >=
Example Condition: 'Pending activity order' = 1 Result: Blocks the first pending activity in the route.
Notes The following logic applies:– "1..." pending ordered activity in the route (offset from the route start)– "1" pending ordered in the bucket– "1" pending ordered non-scheduled activity– "-1" pending not ordered activity– "0" started, completed, canceled, notdone, suspended activity

Phone blocking condition

Condition name [phone]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the customer's phone number
Valid values/format text
Notes Takes into account whether the contact can be used with messages.

Email Address blocking condition

Email Address
Condition name [email]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the customer's email address
Valid values/format text
Notes Takes into account whether the contact can be used with messages.

Cellular Phone blocking condition

Cellular Phone
Condition name [cell]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the customer's cell phone number
Valid values/format text
Notes Takes into account whether the contact can be used with messages.

Points blocking condition

Condition name [apoints]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the number of points assigned to the activity
Valid values/format integer

Position in Route blocking condition

Position in Route
Condition name [position_in_route]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity position in the route
Valid values/format integer

Reminder blocking condition

Condition name [cmessagetime]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the number of minutes before the Notification base when reminder notification is to be generated
Valid values/format integer

SLA Start blocking condition

SLA Start
Condition name [sla_window_start]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the start of the activity SLA window
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DD, HH24:MI:SS

SLA End blocking condition

Condition name [sla_window_end]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the end of the activity SLA window
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DD, HH24:MI:SS

Service Window End blocking condition

Service Window End
Condition name [service_window_end]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the end of the activity service window
Valid values/format HH24:MI

Service Window Start blocking condition

Service Window Start
Condition name [service_window_start]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the start of the activity service window
Valid values/format HH24:MI

Start blocking condition

Condition name [eta]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks if the activity has an ETA
Valid values/format HH24:MI:SS
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

State blocking condition

Condition name [state]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the area name of the activity (state, county, land, etc.)
Valid values/format text

Time Slot blocking condition

Time Slot
Condition name [time_slot]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the label of the activity time slot

Time Zone blocking condition

Time Zone
Condition name [c_zid]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity time zone
Valid values/format Time zone IDs

Time Notified blocking condition

Time Notified
Condition name [time_delivered]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the start time of arrival interval communicated to the customer
Valid values/format HH24:MI
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
Notes This condition works both for a single activity and a visit. If the message is based on a visit, it refers to the visit's field instead of the activity's field.

Travel Area blocking condition

Travel Area
Condition name [atravelarea]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity travel area
Valid values/format Travel area IDs

Traveling Time blocking condition

Traveling Time
Condition name [travel]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the travel time from the previous activity/location to the current activity
Valid values/format integer

Work Order blocking condition

Work Order
Condition name [appt_number]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the activity work skills
Valid values/format Work skill IDs
Suggested functions IS NULL - The activity doesn't require any work skills. IS NOT NULL - The activity requires at least one work skill. IN - The activity requires all the provided work skills. NOT IN - The activity requires none of the provided work skills.
Example 1 Activity #1 work skills: Install IPTV (1) , English (10) Activity #2 work skills: Install IPTV (1), Spanish (11) Condition: Activity work skill IN (1) R
Example 2 Condition: Activity work skill IN (1, 10) Condition: Activity work skill NOT IN (1,10 Result: <NONE>
Notes Groups of work skills are also supported. In this case a group is handled as any work skill it includes.

ZIP/Postal Code blocking condition

ZIP/Postal Code
Condition name [czip]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks ZIP (postal code)
Valid values/format text

Time Delivered End blocking condition

Time Delivered End
Condition name [ctime_delivered_end]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the end time of arrival interval communicated to the customer
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DD, HH24:MI:SS
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

Time Delivered Start blocking condition

Time Delivered Start
Condition name [ctime_delivered_start]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the start time of arrival interval communicated to the customer
Valid values/format YYYY-MM-DD, HH24:MI:SS
Suggested functions IS NULL, IS NOT NULL

Delivery Window End blocking condition

Delivery Window End
Condition name [delivery_window_end]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the delivery window end
Valid values/format HH24:MI:SS

Delivery Window Start blocking condition

Delivery Window Start
Condition name [delivery_window_start]
Condition type Activity
Description Checks the delivery window start
Valid values/format HH24:MI:SS