Activity Message Placeholders

These are message placeholders related to activities.

Activity Number placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_number ID of the corresponding work order in an external system

Activity Type placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_type activity primary type (regular, reopened, prework, multiday_activity, multiday_activity_segment)

Activity Status placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_status activity status

Activity Worktype placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_worktype activity work type (name)

Activity Worktype ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_worktype_id activity work type (id)

Activity Worktype Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_worktype_label activity work type (label)

Activity Workzone placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workzone activity work zone (name)

Activity Worktype ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workzone_id activity work zone (id)

Activity Travel Area placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_travel_area activity travel area (name)

Activity Travel Area ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_travel_area_id activity travel area (id)

Activity Travel Area Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_travel_area_label activity travel area (label)

Activity Workskill placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workskill activity work skill (name). can only be used in the 'activity_workskills' block.

Activity Workskill ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workskill_id activity work skill (id). can only be used in the 'activity_workskills' block.

Activity Workskill Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workskill_label activity work skill (label. can only be used in the 'activity_workskills' block.

Activity Workskill Required Level placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workskill_required_level required work skill level for an activity. can only be used in the 'activity_workskills' block.

Activity Workskill Preferable Level placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_workskill_preferable_level preferable work skill level for an activity. can only be used in the 'activity_workskills' block.

Activity Start Time placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_start_time estimated start time of the activity ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity End Time placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_end_time estimated end time of the activity ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity duration placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_duration estimated activity duration

Activity Service Window Start placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_service_window_start service window start ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity Service Window End placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_service_window_end service window end ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity SLA Window Start placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_sla_window_start sla window start ("yyyy-dd-mm hh24:mi" format)

Activity SLA Window End placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_sla_window_end sla window end ("yyyy-dd-mm hh24:mi" format)

Activity Delivery Window Start placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_delivery_window_start delivery window start ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity Delivery Window End placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_delivery_window_end delivery window end ("hh24:mi" format)

Activity Time Delivered Start placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_delivered_start start of the time window delivered to customer ("hh24:mm" format)

Activity Time Delivered End placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_delivered_end end of the time window delivered to customer ("hh24:mm" format)

Activity Traveling Time placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_traveling_time estimated travel time from the previous activity (minutes)

Activity Time Slot placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_slot activity time slot (name)

Activity Time Slot ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_slot_id activity time slot (id)

Activity Time Slot Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_slot_label activity time slot (label)

Activity Time Zone placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_zone name of the time zone defined for the activity

Activity Time Zone ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_zone_id id of the time zone defined for the activity

Activity Timezone Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_zone_label label of the time zone defined for the activity

Activity Timezone Diff placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_zone_diff time difference of the time zone defined for the activity

Activity Customer Name placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_customer_name customer's name

Activity Customer Number placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_customer_number id of the corresponding customer's account in an external system

Activity Phone placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_phone activity/customer contact information

Activity Email placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_email activity/customer contact information

Activity Cell placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_cell activity/customer contact information

Activity Address placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_address location of the activity

Activity City placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_city location of the activity

Activity State placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_state location of the activity

Activity Zip placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_zip location of the activity

Activity Coord Status placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_coord_status whether or not the activity coordinates were found

Activity Coordx placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_coordx longitude of the activity (of customer's location)

Activity Coordy placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_coordy latitude of the activity (of customer's location)

Activity Language placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_language customer's messaging language (name)

Activity Language ID placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_language_id customer's messaging language (id)

Activity Language Label placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_language_label customer's messaging language (label)

Activity Reminder Time placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_reminder_time customer's reminder notification time

Activity Position in Route placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_position_in_route sequential position (starts from "1") of the corresponding activity in a route

Activity Time of Booking placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_of_booking time when the activity was booked (customer activities) or created (internal activities). ("yyyy-dd-mm hh24:mi" format)

Activity Time of Assignment placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_time_of_assignment For the activity currently assigned to a resource, the placeholder returns the time when the corresponding move/reschedule/create operation was performed. For the activity in a bucket, the placeholder's value is empty ("yyyy-dd-mm hh24:mi" format).

Activity Link Min Interval placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_link_min_interval minimum duration of the time interval between linked activities. This placeholder can only be used in the 'linked_activities' block.

Activity Link Max Interval placeholder

Placeholder Description
activity_link_max_interval maximum duration of the time interval between linked activities. this placeholder can only be used in the 'linked_activities' block.