Calendar Message Placeholders

These are message placeholders related to calendars.

This placeholder group can be used in subject/body templates of messages that have reference to a route. Also, they work for the manual (service request) launch condition. The message engine retrieves the data from the regular calendar by default. But, it also allows to switch to the on-call calendar type using a special BLOCK statement. The calendar is retrieved for the date of the corresponding route (if applicable) or the service request.

Placeholders for calendars

Placeholder Description
calendar_time_from Start of resource's working day (HH24:MI format)
calendar_time_to End of resource's working day (HH24:MI format
calendar_points Points from the resource's calendar
calendar_comments Comments from the resource's calendar
calendar_record_type Type of the resource's calendar record, such as shift, working, non-working
calendar_shift Resource's shift (name)
calendar_shift_id Resource's shift (ID)
calendar_shift_label Resource's shift (label)
calendar_work_schedule Resource's work schedule (name)
calendar_work_schedule_id Resource's work schedule (ID)
calendar_work_schedule_label Resource's work schedule (label)
calendar_non_working_reason Resource's non-working reason (name)
calendar_non_working_reason_id Resource's non-working reason (ID)
calendar_non_working_reason_label Resource's non-working reason (label)