Inventory Message Placeholders

These are message placeholders related to inventory.

Placeholders for inventory

Placeholder Description
inventory_serial_number Serial number of the inventory
inventory_type Inventory type (name)
inventory_type_id Inventory type (id)
inventory_type_label Inventory type (label)
inventory_ex_serial_number Serial number of the exchanged inventory. This placeholder is only available inside of the 'exchanged_inventory' block.
inventory_quantity Quantity of the non-serialized inventory.
  • This placeholder can also have "zero" or negative value. To obtain the non-serialized inventory quantity that was transferred using Collaboration, the Core API Collaboration Event = ‘transactionUpdated’ should be used.

  • In case of Move Activity action, the part that is recently transferred is also included in the updated on-hand quantity of the resource.

inventory_model_property_value In case with serialized inventory, it always equals "1". Value of the 'Model' property.