close Method

The message format for the close method is similar to the open method. When Oracle Field Service receives a message from a plug-in with the close method, it validates all the entity properties and their values, and applies the update only if no rules are violated. After updating, it closes the plug-in. If there are violations, Oracle Field Service sends a message with the error method, which includes a list of errors (see example).

There's no need to send all the collections and properties received through the open method. The plug-in can send only those entities and properties that have to be updated. The remaining entities and properties are left unchanged. Oracle Field Service Core Application updates only those entity collections that were sent with the open message. If the plug-in sends extra entities with the close message, they're ignored. Oracle Field Service Core Application updates only the properties that are configured for the plug-in. If the plug-in sends extra properties with the close message, they're ignored. The property values that are sent are validated according to the type and attributes of the updated property. See Error codes for details.