Error Types for Inventory Actions

You can encounter validation, run, or internal type of errors when your plug-in performs an action.

Validation Errors

If the error message contains only validation type of errors, it means that no actions are applied and no entity collections are updated. So, the close message can be sent again with the same actions, corrected to eliminate the errors. This table describes the validation errors:
Type Occurs When Available Message Fields
TYPE_ACTION_ERROR Actions have an invalid format or are inapplicable
  • actionId

  • entity

  • entityId

TYPE_ACTION_PARAM Action param has an invalid value or mandatory param is missing
  • actionId

  • entity

  • entityId

  • paramName

TYPE_ACTION_PROPERTY Value of a property submitted by the plug-in to be updated in the "properties" param, has an invalid value
  • actionId

  • entity

  • entityId

  • propertyLabel

Run Errors

Run errors are errors that are generated when actions are applied. As actions are applied one after the other, some may fail and some may be applied successfully. The error message contains run errors, for failed actions. This means that the entity collections may be updated after some actions are applied, and it didn't produce any run errors (or there are no errors, which contain their index). So, actions which don't fail, must not be sent again. This table describes the run errors:
Type Occurs When Available Message Fields
TYPE_ACTION_FAILED Action is rejected due to incorrect value of action params, which can't be checked at the validation stage
  • actionId

  • entity

  • entityId

Internal Errors

The error message contains errors of these types, if the validation has passed successfully, but entity collection update, or some actions have failed. This means that the entity collection update may not be applied, so as actions which didn't cause errors . In this case, the entities are in a state that is unknown to the plug-in, so the close message containing any updates, must not be sent. This table describes the internal errors:
Type Occurs When Available Message Fields
TYPE_INTERNAL Oracle Field Service is unable to process the message due to an unexpected change of the system's state.

Doesn't contain information about the action, which caused it.

Both actions and entity collection updates may lead to such errors.

Available Message Fields
  • entity: Entity type on which the action is performed ("inventory")

  • entityId: Id of the entity, which is updated by action (equals invid for inventory, for example, "10028719")

  • actionId: Zero-based order number of erroneous action in the actions list, sent by the plug-in. For example, 0, 1, 17.

  • paramName: Name of the action parameter, whose value is invalid, for example, "entity", "inv_aid".

  • propertyLabel: Label of the property, whose value is invalid, for example, "customer_number", "WO_TYPE".