Plug-In Buttons and Icons

Let's say you use a plug-in that contains several pages and you want to configure links that open different pages of the plug-in. Or, you want to configure different icons for different tiles of the plug-in on the Landing page and change the icon of the tile according to the data in the plug-in.

You can configure the plug-in for all these scenarios, using the Parameters option:
  • Configure parameters for a button associated with a plug-in: You can specify custom parameters for each button of a plug-in. For example, when you click the button, you can open a specific page in the plug-in. You can implement this on multiple pages, by uploading a single plug-in archive.

  • Update icons for a button on the Landing page: You can update the appearance of each button on the Landing Page separately. You can change the icon when you open Oracle Field Service Core Application ('initEnd'), after closing ('close') a plug-in, or when a plug-in receives new data in the background mode ('sleep'). You can also associate each plug-in's page or function with its own icon and text. You can update each icon as needed, no matter with which button you open the plug-in.

How it Works

The data sent to the plug-in during initialization includes the list of all buttons configured for each plug-in with the key-value pairs of configured parameters. When a user opens the plug-in, the ID of the button is passed to the plug-in with the parameters configured for this button. When a user closes the plug-in, you can redirect the user to another plug-in, as if the plug-in has been opened through a button, and parameters that are configured for this button are passed to the plug-in.