Plugin Configuration Screen

The new "Applications" section has been added to the screen for hosted and external plugins.

Each Application in this section has the following attributes:
  • Key - identifier of an application that's used in plugin code that should be associated with the existing application in Field Service.
  • Comment - description of the required application that can provide more details about this API (e.g. "for obtaining inventory list from Fusion SCM”).

Once the plugin is imported with XML file and the required applications were specified there, then configurator will see keys and descriptions in the list of ‘Application’ section, then they can select an appropriate application from the drop down list. In case the application is not associated, then the API access is not provided to the plugin. In case the selected application is not of a supported type, then the mobile plugin framework will return an Error.

If the plugin was added from the Forms & Plugins screen, the Application section is empty by default and the Configurator can add it from scratch, by clicking the ‘Add’ button, specifying the application identifier in the Key field and adding necessary Comment.

Control Field Service REST API calls according to current user visibility

In case you want to restrict access to the REST API calls by JWT access token to the visibility of the current user, the checkbox “Application details" should be enabled. If a REST API call tries to obtain data from a resource outside of the Visible Resources list of the current user, it will be denied.