Redirection with the close Method

After the close method is applied, Oracle Field Service Application closes the plug-in and redirects the user to another page. By default, the user is redirected to the same page from which the plug-in was opened. However, you can specify which page the user must be redirected to, by setting the value of the optional field, "backScreen" in the close message.

This table provides the possible values for the backScreen field:
Page Name Required Parameters Optional Parameters Description
activity_by_id backActivityId None

Details page for the activity with the given ID. If there's no activity with the given ID in a queue, the user is redirected to the previous page. ID of the activity must be sent in the field "backActivityId".

If backActivityId contains ID of non-scheduled activity, user will be redirected to the details page of that activity only if it's visible on Activity list screen. If activity is not visible because of applied filter or because of "Mobile Activity Count" limitation, user will be redirected to the previous page.

next_activity None None Details of the next pending activity by ETA, or the first pending activity, if there are no pending activities after the current activity. If there are no pending activities in a queue, user is redirected to the Activity List page.
activity_list None None Activity List page
start_activity backActivityId None Start Activity page
end_activity backActivityId None End Activity (Complete) page
cancel_activity backActivityId None Cancel Activity page
notdone_activity backActivityId None Not done Activity page
suspend_activity backActivityId None Suspend Activity page
enroute_activity backActivityId None En route page for the activity with the given ID. If there's no activity with the given ID in a queue or the activity is not Pending, the user is redirected to the previous page. ID of the activity must be sent in the backActivityId field.
stop_travel backActivityId None Stop travel page for the activity with the given ID. If there's no activity with the given ID in a queue or the activity is not in the Enroute status, the user is redirected to the previous page. ID of the activity must be sent in the backActivityId field.
delay_activity backActivityId None Adjust Time page
inventory_list None backActivityId List of inventories. If no additional params sent, Inventory List is shown as if it was opened from Activity List. If "backActivityId" contains a valid id of an activity, which is in the current queue, Inventory List is shown as if it was opened from the Activity Details page of the given activity.
inventory_by_id backInventoryId backActivityId Inventory Details page for an inventory with id equal to the value of the backInventoryId field. If no additional params are sent, the page is shown as if it was opened from Activity List > Inventories. If "backActivityId" contains a valid id of an activity, which is in the current queue, Inventory List is shown as if it was opened from the Activity Details page of the given activity.
install_inventory backInventoryId


None "Install" page for inventory with the id equal to the value of the backInventoryId field. After confirmation, inventory is installed to an Activity with an id which equals to the value of the backActivityId field.
deinstall_inventory backInventoryId backActivityId None "Deinstall" page for inventory with the id equal to the value of the backInventoryId field. After confirmation, inventory is installed to an Activity with the id equal to the value of the backActivityId field.
plugin_by_label backPluginLabel backPluginOpenParams The plug-in with a label equal to the value of the "backPluginLabel" field. See "Navigation to another plugin" for details.
If the backScreen or other required parameters are inappropriate, or aren't set, the user is redirected to the previous page. Redirection to the 'reopen_activity' page is not available.