Supported Inventory Actions

The Plug-in API supports install, deinstall, undo install, undo deinstall, create, and delete actions for inventory.


This table describes the parameters supported for the install inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invid Yes String Id of an existing inventory that is in the "provider" pool of the current resource or the resource’s teammates.
inv_aid Yes String Id of the started activity. Inventory will be installed to its "install" pool. Must contain the id of started segment for segmentable activities.
quantity Yes/No Number Is mandatory and must be > 0 for non-serialized inventory.

Is forbidden for serialized inventory.

properties No Object Is a key-value object, where keys are the labels of Oracle Field Service inventory properties to be updated.

Properties are validated and processed according to the plug-in configuration.


This table describes the parameters supported for the deinstall inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invid Yes String Id of an existing inventory that is in the "customer" pool of a started activity.
inv_aid Yes String Id of the current resource or the resource’s teammates. Inventory will be deinstalled to its "deinstall" pool.
quantity Yes/No Number Is mandatory and must be > 0 for non-serialized inventory.

Is forbidden for serialized inventory.

properties No Object Is a key-value object, where keys are the labels of Oracle Field Service inventory properties to be updated.

Properties are validated and processed according to the plug-in configuration.


This table describes the parameters supported for the undo-install inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invid Yes String Id of an existing inventory that is in the "install" pool of a started activity.
quantity Yes/No Number Is mandatory and must be > 0 for non-serialized inventory.

Is forbidden for serialized inventory.

properties No Object Is a key-value object, where keys are the labels of Oracle Field Service inventory properties to be updated.

Properties are validated and processed according to the plug-in configuration.


This table describes the parameters supported for the undo-deinstall inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invid Yes String Id of an existing inventory that is in the "deinstall" pool of the current resource or the resource’s teammates.
quantity Yes/No Number Is mandatory and must be > 0 for non-serialized inventory.

Is forbidden for serialized inventory.

properties No Object Is a key-value object, where keys are the labels of Oracle Field Service inventory properties to be updated.

Properties are validated and processed according to the plug-in configuration.


This table describes the parameters supported for the create inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invtype Yes String Label of one of the Inventory Types, configured for Oracle Field Service (for example, "NT")
invpool Yes String Inventory pool in which the inventory is created. It can be one of: "customer", "install", "deinstall", "provider".
inv_aid Yes/No String Id of the started activity. Inventory will be created in its pool. Must contain the id of the started segment for segmentable activities.

Is mandatory if invpool is one of: "customer", "install", or "deinstall".

Is forbidden for invpool equal to "provider".

inv_pid Yes/No String Id of the current resource or the resource’s teammates. Inventory will be created in the resource’s pool.

Is mandatory if invpool is one of: "provider", "install", "deinstall".

Is forbidden for invpool equal to "customer".

quantity Yes/No Number Is mandatory and must be > 0 for non-serialized inventory.

Is forbidden for serialized inventory.

Note: If the quantity is not present in the Add Plugin or Modify Plugin page, Available properties section or present and set to "Read-only" and if it’s not configured as available for the plug-in, then it is set to "1" for non-serialized inventory by Oracle Field Service Core Application itself.
properties No Object Is a key-value object, where keys are the labels of Oracle Field Service inventory properties to be updated.

Properties are validated and processed according to the plug-in configuration.


This table describes the parameters supported for the delete inventory action:
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
invid Yes String Id of an existing inventory that is in the "provider" pool of the current resource or the resource’s teammates, or in "install", "deinstall" or "customer" pool of the started activity.
Note: There is no quantity parameter for the delete action. The entire record with any quantity is deleted from the corresponding pool.