The Plug-In Framework

Oracle Field Service is a highly developed application that can be customized for the unique purposes and specialized business needs of organizations. That extensibility is achieved in part through the use of plug-ins, which can perform actions not found in the standard solution. Plug-ins appear as selectable links on the application. They open a new window, tab, or frame in a browser where an external HTML5 application is processed.

Plug-ins can be internal or external. Internal plug-ins can be created only by Oracle developers. External plug-ins, however, can be developed by anyone; they use externally stored data and communicate with the application by HTTP requests. The external plug-ins use HTML5 features such as offline work and persistence storage. However, be aware that if an external plug-in has its own domain, offline mode is not supported for iOS Native Application. The plug-in framework also allows these applications to exchange data with Oracle Field Service, in two ways:
  • Traditional one-way communication when the plug-in receives data from Oracle Field Service through the HTTP GET and POST parameters.

  • Two-way communication using Oracle Field Service Plug-in API

The plug-in framework offers these features:
  • Integration with Oracle Field Service through an API and, therefore, the ability to perform complex tasks which could previously be performed only by internal plug-ins

  • Ability to work offline with Mobility Cloud Service

  • Plug-in development by your organization or third-party developers without requiring Oracle developers

The plug-ins can manipulate these entities:
  • Resource

  • Activity

  • Inventory

  • Activity list

  • Inventory list

Consequently, the plug-ins can be added to these contexts:
  • Activity list

  • Edit/View activity

  • Inventory grid

  • Add/Details inventory

  • Route Map/Team Map (for Custom Map Layer assets)