callProcedureResult Method

A message with the callProcedureResult method is sent by Oracle Field Service to a plug-in when Oracle Field Service calls a procedure using the callProcedure method successfully. The message data contains the callId field, which is same as the callId parameter of the callProcedure message, so that the request and response can be unambiguously associated with each other.

callProcedureResult Method Parameters

Here are the parameters of the callProcedureResult method:
Parameter Name Mandatory Type Description
apiVersion Yes Integer Plugin API version.
method Yes String callProcedureResult.
procedure Yes String Procedure name.
callId Yes String Id of the procedure call, for which the result is returned. This is same as the received callId param of the callProcedure method.
resultData No String Result of running the procedure.
Example of the callProcedureResult Message
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "method": "callProcedureResult",
    "callId": "1111111111",
    "resultData": {
        "token": "...",
        "status": "success",
        "detail": ""
For more information about the possible responses, see the description of procedures in the callProcedure section.