getPartsCatalogStructure Procedure

The getPartsCatalogStructure procedure returns the field type and schema for the available Parts Catalogs through the callProcedureResult method. This is the same data that you have configured using the create method of the Parts Catalog API.


The getPartsCatalogStructure procedure doesn’t accept any parameters.

Response for the getPartsCatalogStructure Procedure

Here are the fields that are returned for every Parts Catalog:
Field Name Type Parts Catalog API Parameter Description
catalogId Number None None
label String label None
language String language None
name String name Name of the catalog to be displayed in the user-interface.
fieldSchemas Array field_schemas Array of fieldSchema items, each of which contains one of the fields to be set for the catalog.
typeSchemas Array type_schemas Array of typeSchema items, each of which contains an item type and may also contain the inventory type corresponding to the item type.
cacheLoadingState Object None Status of loading the Parts Catalog contents to the device storage to be available in offline. Can be used to visualize the progress of loading.

fieldSchema Item Structure

Here is the structure of the fieldSchema item:
Field Name Type Parts Catalog API ‘typeSchema’ Element Parameter Description
label String label Field identifier
name String name Name of the field to be displayed in the user-interface.
propertyLabel String property_label Label of the corresponding inventory property in Oracle Field Service.
searchable Boolean searchable Whether the field is used for search.
preview Boolean preview Whether the field is cached in offline mode and displayed in the offline search results.

typeSchema Item Structure

Here is the structure of the typeSchema item:
Field Name Type Parts Catalog API ‘typeSchema’ Element Parameter Description
itemType String item_type Item type according to the catalog.
inventoryType String inventory_type Inventory type according to Oracle Field Service settings.

cacheLoadingState Item Structure

Here is the structure of the cacheLoadingState item:
Field Name Type Description
isLoaded String Whether the all needed data of Parts catalog is loaded and is available offline
loadedItemsNumber Number Number of catalog items that are loaded to the device
totalItemsNumber Number Total number of catalog items to be loaded to the device
loadedSize Number Amount of data that's loaded to the device (bytes)
Example of a Request
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "callId": "CMFYN5AKpc9Yg1POv6773g==",
    "method": "callProcedure",
    "procedure": "getPartsCatalogsStructure"
Example of a Response
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "method": "callProcedureResult",
    "callId": "CMFYN5AKpc9Yg1POv6773g==",
    "resultData": [
            "catalogId": 2,
            "label": "network",
            "language": "en",
            "name": "Network devices",
            "fieldSchemas": [
                    "label": "model",
                    "name": "Model",
                    "propertyLabel": "switch_model",
                    "searchable": true,
                    "preview": true
                    "label": "ports",
                    "name": "Ports",
                    "propertyLabel": false,
                    "searchable": true,
                    "preview": false
                    "label": "price",
                    "name": "Price",
                    "propertyLabel": "switch_price",
                    "searchable": false,
                    "preview": false
                    "label": "vendor",
                    "name": "Vendor",
                    "propertyLabel": false,
                    "searchable": false,
                    "preview": true
            "typeSchemas": [
                    "itemType": "switch_type",
                    "inventoryType": "switch_general"
                    "itemType": "router_type",
                    "inventoryType": "router_general"
            "cacheLoadingState": {
                "isLoaded": true,
                "loadedItemsNumber": 2,
                "loadedSize": 1138,
                "totalItemsNumber": 2
            "catalogId": 4,
            "label": "misc",
            "language": "en",
            "name": "Miscellaneous parts",
            "fieldSchemas": [
                    "label": "item_type",
                    "name": "Item Type",
                    "propertyLabel": false,
                    "searchable": false,
                    "preview": false
                    "label": "description",
                    "name": "Item description",
                    "propertyLabel": false,
                    "searchable": true,
                    "preview": true
            "typeSchemas": [
                    "itemType": "parts",
                    "inventoryType": "PART"
            "cacheLoadingState": {
                "isLoaded": true,
                "loadedItemsNumber": 3558,
                "loadedSize": 2793309,
                "totalItemsNumber": 3558