Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added.

Date What’s Changed Notes
February 2023
These topics are updated:
  • Add a Hosted Plug-In
  • open Method
These topics are added:
  • Add a Standard Plug-In
  • Modify the Settings of a Standard Plug-In
  • Change the Code of a Standard Plug-In
  • Install the Sample Plug-In
  • Overview of Debrief Plug-In
  • Configure the Debrief Plug-In
  • Install the Debrief Plug-In
  • Add the Inventory Types
  • Add the Parts Catalog
  • Add the Debrief Plug-In to a Page
  • Add an External Plug-In
  • Add an External Application

    This topic is deleted:

  • A Sample Plug-In
August 2022 These topics are updated:
  • callProcedure Error Handling
  • Sample Plug-In
These topics are added:
  • share Procedure
  • Configure a Custom Domain for the Where is My Technician URL
February 2022 These topics are added:
  • print Procedure
  • updateIconData Procedure
  • updateButtonsIconData Procedure
  • allowedProcedures Field
These topics are updated:
  • Export and Import Plug-Ins
  • callProcedure Error Handling
  • callProcedure Method
  • wakeup Message
  • Plug-In Lifecycle
  • Redirection with the close Method
  • Sample Plug-In
November 2021 These topics are added:
  • update Method
  • updateResult Method
These topics are updated:
  • Supported Activity Actions
  • init Method
  • Error Codes for Inventory Actions
  • A Sample Plug-in
August 2021 These topics are updated:
  • The Plug-in Framework
  • open Method
May 2021
These topics are added:
  • Available Fields for the 'queue' Entity Collection
  • Supported Queue Actions
  • Error Codes for Queue Actions
These topics are updated:
  • open Method
  • close Method
  • Sample Plug-In
February 2021 These topics are updated:
  • init Method
  • open Method
  • Non-Serialized Inventory Update
  • Example of the close Message