Add an External Application

You can add an external application as a plug-in and it will be opened as a web page in a new window, or the same window within Oracle Field Service.

  1. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
  2. Click Add Plugin.
  3. Click External Application and then click Next.
  4. Complete these fields:
    Field Name Description
    General Information section
    Label A mandatory field defining a unique action or plug-in label.
    Entity Entity (activity, inventory, required inventory, resource, service request, user) to which the action or plug-in is to be related. For example, if you select Inventory, the action will appear only in the contexts related to inventory. Leave the field blank for the action to be available in all contexts of all the entities.
    Visibility rules similar to The base action from which the plug-in is to be derived, if needed. When a base action is selected, the resulting plug-in functions per the same rules as the base action. The base action affects only the visibility of buttons and not the functioning of the plug-in. It appears only in the contexts in which the base action appears and is shown or hidden according to the same visibility conditions. For example, if start_activity is selected as the base action for a plug-in, the plug-in is only be shown in the context of a pending activity when there is no started activity in the same route, similar to the Start action. The list of available base actions is filtered according to the Entity that is selected.
    Name (English) A mandatory field defining the plug-in name in the English language. The action or plug-in appears under this name in the actual context.
    Name (other languages) Plug-in name translations to other languages, if used.
    Plugin settings section
    Fields for the Open as Web Link Option
    Open as Web Link Shows the fields to open an external web page from the plug-in.
    URL The path to a URL for the external plug-in. This URL processes the HTML5 application and it runs the plug-in in the entire browser window. The URL must start with the protocol (https) and must point to the main file of the plug-in.

    Oracle Field Service adds the backUrl parameter to the URL automatically. This parameter contains the address of the current page of Oracle Field Service.

    POST Data The data that you want to be sent to the external plug-in.
    Disable button in Offline Determines whether you want to disable the plug-in when Oracle Field Service is offline. Clear this check box for the plug-in to work in offline mode.
    Open inside Field Service Determines whether the plug-in uses the iframe layout. If the field is cleared, the plug-in’s URL is opened in a new browser tab or window.
    Show scrollbars on Dialog Determines whether the window in which the plug-in runs has scroll bars. This setting is applicable to the Legacy Manage application.
    Dialog Width in Pixels/ Dialog Height in Pixels The width and height of the plug-in window in pixels. This setting is applicable to the Legacy Manage application.
    Fields for the Open as another Application on the same device Option
    Open as another Application on the same device Shows the fields to open a native app from the plug-in.
    Native application name The name of the application to be launched by the plug-in.
    User-Agent string mask The browser in which the application is to be launched. The Native application link will be available in GUI, if the browser user agent matches the specified mask. For example, Safari, Android, iPad, iPhone.
    Launch application URL The template for building the external application URL from properties. The URL template contains parameters key and placeholders for parameters value. Properties are interpolated with placeholders, surrounded with braces "{" and "}". For example: type=LOCATION'&'action=View'&'alt={acoord_y}'&'long=| {acoord_x}'&'address={caddress|url}'&'city={ccity|url}'&'state={cstate}'&'zip={czip}
    Add The button to add another User-Agent string mask.
  5. Click Add.