Add a Standard Plug-In

A Standard plug-in is available out-of-the-box in Oracle Field Service and is supported by Oracle. It contains the logic that covers specific business scenarios (for example, Debrief) and can support integrations with other Oracle products such as Service Logistics. You cannot change a standard plug-in.

  1. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
    The Forms & Plugins page appears and displays the existing forms and plug-ins.
  2. Click Add Plugin.
  3. Click Standard Plugin and then click Next.
  4. Click Debriefing or Sample Plugin.
    These sections are displayed:
    • Properties will be installed. These are the properties that are automatically installed with the plug-in. These properties will be available on the Configuration > Properties page. If you de-install this plug-in in the future, these properties will still remain on the Properties page.
    • Existing properties will be used. These are the properties that are required for the plug-in and are currently present in Oracle Field Service.

      Note: If a property has an incorrect configuration (for example, for property type or entity), then you will see a corresponding message. Open the plug-in's documentation, find the property requirements, and change the property settings accordingly.
  5. Click Install and confirm the installation.
    A message similar to, 'Debriefing Successfully installed.' is displayed on the Forms and Plugins page after the installation You can install a Standard plug-in only once. The Install button is disabled when you install the plug-in. Be aware that plug-ins are supported only in the English language.
  6. To deinstall the plug-in that is not in use:
    1. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
    2. Locate the plug-in that you want to deinstall.
    3. Click the actions icon and then click Deinstall.
      The plug-in is deinstalled and is no longer displayed on the Forms and Plugins page.