Asset Details Plug-In

The "Asset Details" standard plugin provides comprehensive asset information for mobile resources and dispatchers, to carry out their work more effectively. It includes asset pictures, maintenance orders, warranty details, asset notes, and history. Seamlessly integrated with Oracle Supply Chain, it requires no additional development effort. Customers can tailor it using the Plugin Framework and integrate it with third-party supply chain solutions if required.

  1. Open the Asset Details page to view the basic information of the asset.
    Field Description
    Asset ID Value that uniquely identifies the asset
    Asset Description Description of the asset features, characteristics, and other details.
    Item ID Value that uniquely identifies the item referenced by the asset.
    Serial Number Numeric value that uniquely identifies the serial number referenced by the asset.
    Primary Contact Name of the contact person associated with the asset.
    Address Name of the location where the asset currently resides.
    Image The item image. (You can view the full image by clicking the image; if there are multiple images, you can click Next to view the other images.)
  2. To view the future work orders associated with the asset, click View Details and then Future Work Orders.
    Field Description
    Work Order Number The alternate unique identifier of the work order.
    Scheduled On The date when the service is scheduled to be performed.
    Mobile Worker The scheduled resource assigned to complete the work order.
    Problem Description The information captured to share with the field resource assigned to the work order.
    The page displays up to 15 work orders. Mobile workers can use OFS capabilities such as self-assignment to prepare for upcoming tasks while on site.
  3. To view the warranty, active subscriptions, and service level coverage details associated with the asset, click View Details and then Warranty and Subscriptions.
    Field Description
    Coverage Name The name of the coverage.
    Coverage Description The description of the coverage.
    Subscription Number The alternate unique identifier of the subscription.
    Coverage Product Name The name of the product associated with the coverage.
    Service Activity Name The name of the service activity.
    Adjustment Type The code associated with the adjustment type. The type can be either Markup or Discount.
    Adjustment Amount The value of the adjustment. Adjustment amount can be percentage or a Fixed value.
  4. You can view the latest 15 notes associated with an asset in the Notes section.
    Field Description
    Created Date Date when the note was created.
    Created Time Time when the note was created.
    Author Name of the user who created the note for the asset.
    Note text Decoded note text.
  5. You can view past records of up to 15 work orders in the History section.
    Field Description
    Work Order The alternate unique identifier of the work order.
    Completed On The date when the service was performed.
    Mobile Worker The scheduled resource assigned to complete the work order.
    Problem Description The additional information captured to share with the field service resource assigned to the work order.
    Resolution The information added to the work order from Oracle Field Service Cloud activity integration.