Change the Code of a Standard Plug-In

You can change the code for a Standard plug-in to suit your business requirements and upload it back as a Hosted plug-in.

Note: If you change the code for a Standard plug-in, the plug-in becomes your custom plug-in and it will no longer be supported by Oracle.
  1. Click Configuration > Forms & Plugins.
  2. Search for the Standard plug-in for which you want to change the code.
  3. Click the actions icon and then click Edit.
  4. On the Edit Plugin page, click Download Source and download the source files to the required folder.
  5. Unzip the files and change the code as required.
  6. Follow instructions in the and create an archive to upload the plug-in back as a Hosted plug-in.
  7. Follow the instructions in the Add a Hosted Plug-In topic and add the modified plug-in as a new hosted plug-in.
  8. Add a button for the plug-in on the required page.
  9. Open the plug-in and test your scenarios.