How do I set the initial ratio for activity duration?

The Initial ratio for Activity duration field indicates the percentage by which the company-wide estimations of the activity duration is multiplied to get the estimated activity duration at the resource level for the new activities. This ratio is applicable only for those activities that are relatively new to the resource with no significant past data. You can edit this field only if the resource doesn't have any completed activities.

Note: The field is displayed only for field resource, tool, and vehicle resource types.
  1. Log in to the Core application as an admin user.
  2. Navigate to Configuration, User Types page.
  3. Select the Screen Configuration tab.
  4. Add the Initial ratio for Activity duration field to the Edit Resource/User context layout and set RW visibility.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Navigate to the Add or Edit Resource page.
    Note: Based on the settings in Configuration, Statistics, the fields, Lower limit for personal ratio to calculate duration, % and Upper limit for personal ratio to calculate duration, % are displayed.
  7. Set an appropriate value for the Initial ratio for Activity duration field.
    For example, select 120%. You can view the value on the Resource Edit and Resource Hint pages. The Default ratio for Activity duration field is displayed as read-only under the Initial ratio for Activity duration field based on the reported duration after the field resource completes at least one activity.

    The Default ratio for Activity duration value is always displayed as Read-Only value and only if the Initial ratio for Activity duration value is displayed. The message below the Initial ratio for Activity duration drop-down list enables you to understand how the Initial ratio for Activity duration value impacts the resource.

    If the Initial ratio for Activity duration value of the resource differs from one of the predefined options, the current value is added to the bottom of the list. The initial ratio for Activity duration value set through the API is converted to percentages. For example, if you use the API and set the value to “1.25”, then on the Resource Edit page and Resource Hint, the value is shown as "125%".

  8. Click Submit.